
Vitalik's new article: It's time to "align" the entire Ethereum ecosystem

目前以太坊主要的挑战是确保所有项目共同构建一个以太坊生态系统,而不是 138 个不兼容的领地. 撰文:Vitalik But...

Highlights: A look at the keynotes from 75 projects at Solana Breakpoint 2024

涵盖DeFi、稳定币、PayFi等多个领域。 作者:Kaito AI 编译:小白导航coderworld 去中心化金融 (DeFi) 1.San...

Crypto Morning News: CZ was released from prison today, Vitalik published an article proposing the concept of Ethereum alignment

Eigen Foundation 发文表示,其将于 10 月 1 日 12 时解锁 EIGEN 转账限制。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 昨日市...

The largest airdrop in history only made an average of $3 for each user. Who is winning the game of Hamster Kombat?

Hamster Kombat 创造了迄今最大的空投用户规模,但与其他大型空投之后的结果一样,社区的质疑声音不断。 撰文:Fr...

Bitget Wallet launches OmniConnect development kit to seamlessly connect one billion Telegram users to the multi-chain Web3 ecosystem

Telegram Mini App 集成该套件后,可以直接通过 Bitget Wallet,在多链上进行签名、交易等 DApp 交互操作。 Web...

Digging deep into on-chain data: Insight into the hidden value of future Web3

目前链上数据正处于迈向下一个爆发的重要时刻。 随着Web3行业发展,公链数量呈现爆发式的增长,链上积小白导航聚...

Are blockchain games popular again? A look at Off The Grid, the first battle royale game to be released on both PC and consoles

The GUNZ testnet has been running for nearly a year, processing 27 million transactions and accumulating more than 2.2 million registered wallets. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld ...


宏观环境上,随着确定降息 50 BP,市场有望恢复流动性,两者利多相加,打开新一轮迷因浪潮。 作者:WOO X Researc...

隐形基建 06 期 | 对话 OKX Web3:移动钱包或成为「Web3 超级应用」

“我们不仅仅是市场的跟随者,更是创新的推动者,未来移动钱包将更好地服务普通用户”。 加密行业的中心化和去中...

Current status of Japan’s stablecoin market: regulation first, development to be initiated

尽管稳定币的监管框架已经建立超过一年,日元在稳定币市场中的份额仍然很小。 作者:Tiger Research Reports 编...
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