
Crypto-eating men and women, is it hard to find love in the currency circle?

"A family cannot have two gamblers." Written by: Freya Edited by: 0xmin "Food, sex, and love are the greatest desires of human beings." When hungry, one thinks of food; when grown up, one thinks of love. ...

Analyzing the challenges of implementing “intention-centric” from the perspective of UniSwapX and AA

What is "intent"? What are its applications? Written by: Shisijun Recently, in the "Intent-Based Architectu...

Token2049 Practical Speech: Challenges and Opportunities of Mass Adoption of Crypto Wallets

抽象账户允许功能和合约的模块化,以进一步实现差异化和定制化。 作者:imToken 首席科学家 Chang-Wu Chen 大...

The Open Network: Backed by Telegram, exploring the interconnection between Web2 and Web3

From Telegram to TON, the start of a decentralized network. Author: Jaden, LDCapital August 14th is the 10th anniversary of Telegram, the founder...

Token 2049 Conference Highlights: Bear Market is a Good Time to Launch Crypto Projects

CZ:加密货币不需要100%的普及。 作者|链得得 为期两天的“新加坡Token2049大会”于2023年9月13日正式拉开帷幕。在...

HTX, Huobi warms up for the next decade

Now, at the beginning of another decade, Huobi HTX is warming up for the next decade with a brand upgrade. From its inception in 2013 to becoming the largest Chinese market share in 2017...

播客笔记|对话 Circle 联创:Circle 的“数十年”战略以及稳定币监管的走向

尽管 C小白导航ircle 已经取得了很多收入并且非常盈利,但它仍然是一个早期阶段的公司。 整理 & 编译:小白导...

A brief analysis of the top 10 Web3 applications that are still making money in the bear market

What are the top ten most profitable protocols in the DeFi field? Author | HuoHuo After experiencing high prices in 2021, the crypto field has...

Reflexer: How does the non-anchored stablecoin RAI subvert the Web3 monetary system?

Reflexer's vision is to create a new monetary system for Web3, allowing users to freely choose the currency they want to use, rather than being forced to use traditional fiat currencies or stablecoins pegged to them. ...

Web3 史上最大规模盛会 TOKEN2049 在新加坡成功举办,头部科技公司 OKX 高管齐亮相

随着全球监管政策的逐渐清晰,比特币等主流加密资产ETF的逐步落地,Web3行业将会迎来更公开、更透明且更具发展机遇的未来。 ...
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