
From Moonbeam to Bittensor, a list of representative projects in the Polkadot ecosystem

The upcoming Polkadot 2.0 version heralds a major change that will lower the threshold for developers and further stimulate the vitality of the ecosystem. The long-dormant Polkadot network will be launched on December 20...

Delphi Digital 2024 DeFi Outlook: LSD track is saturated, interest rate derivatives are more attractive

衍生品市场正在成为一个关键领域,具有未开发的去中心化稳定币潜力。 撰文:Stacy Muur 编译:小白导航coderworl...

MT Capital Research Report: Interpretation of Messari Crypto Theses 2024, focusing on Solana and AI + DePIN tracks

以比特币为代表的加密货币天然地适合作为 AI 的支付货币。 作者:By Severin,MT Capital TL;DR Messari 在...

Conversation with the person in charge of OKX wallet: Create a unique road and strive to achieve overtaking in corners

揭秘内部架构,如何抓住铭文先机? 编辑:吴说区块链 在最新的铭文热潮中,OKX 钱包无疑是抢占先机与获利最大的 ...

Behind Solana’s surge: Ethereum killer looms

Solana真能超越以太坊吗? 撰文:Sal Qadir,Galaxy 研究助理 编译:象牙山首席村民,碳链价值 近期 Solana ...

Gavin Wood: Polkadot 2023 Annual Summary

Agile Coretime、On-Demand Parachains、Ethereum Snowbridge 和 Kusama 桥是即将到来的四个重要基础设施。 撰文...

Under the MEME wave, the concept of "dragon year speculation" in mainstream public chains is reviewed

甲辰年,财库年,青龙守财,遇一库,十年富。 撰文:Peng SUN,Foresight News 甲辰年,天干为甲,地支为辰,五...

Bitcoin Renaissance: What’s Changing and What’s Not Changing in Value and Consensus

市场热点潮起潮落,比特币价值存储之锚不变。 作者:Wendy, IOSG Ventures 忒修斯之船(Ship of Theseus),亦称...

Top 10 Events of 2023: Hong Kong, Binance, BlackRock...

2023 年 Web3 行业的十大事件集中在代币空投、监管和新技术上。 撰文:angelilu,Foresight News 2023 年即将过...

Is the flatcoin backed by Coinbase founder a good idea?

flatcoin 有了实践者,但它可能不适合作为交易媒介。 撰文:JP Koning 编译:Luffy,Foresight News 开门见山...
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