Bitget Research: Slerf will start sending refunds, Bitcoin spot ETF has seen net outflows for four consecutive days
In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...
Bitget Wallet joins hands with more than 40 project parties including Avalanche and Taiko to launch the BWB Ecological Partner Program
【BWB 生态合作伙伴计划 】的空投活动将于 3 月 25 日开启持续至 4 月 28 日。 Web3 钱包 Bitget Wallet宣布推...
Interpretation of the Matr1x economic model: the sustainable growth path of Web3 games
FIRE核心定位是用于MATR1X FIRE产品的核心循环,也是玩家重要的目标感追求资产。 作者:Loki,ABCDE 1.三代币...
Interpretation of the current status and six major trends of the national debt RWA project
本篇 Bing Ventures 研究文章将讨论国债 RWA 以及整个 RWA 版块的现状和重要发展趋势。 撰文:Bing Ventures 链...
SMOLE's launch surprise turned into a shock, the MEME pre-sale concept is completely dead, it's time to return to value
预售类的Meme回报率可能甚至不如买彩票,是时候停止并回归价值了。 撰文:Frank,PANews 3 月 17 日,加密艺术家...
dYdX Chain: From dApp to application chain ecology, the old DeFi wants to create products that are more competitive than CEX
深入解读 dYdX Chain 上线后的发展情况,并分析 dYdX 如何打造最佳的合约交易所。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 引...
Dialogue with Arweave core contributor and everVision CEO: Talking about the future division of labor among Ethereum, Bitcoin and Arweave
所需永久存储的内容基本上是任何需要达成共识的信息。 撰文:Sunny, Bella & Zolo ,小白导航 coderworld 嘉...
Vitalik Taipei talks about Cancun upgrades, quantum threats, AI & Crypto and social
Vitalik认为,升级进展顺利,比以往任何分叉都要好。 整理 & 编译:Karen、Kean,Foresight News 在今日开幕...
Behind the Bitget Wallet coin issuance: How was the Asian version of MetaMask created?
或许凭借 BWB,Bitget Wallet 将会打开钱包赛道的天花板。 2023 年以来,Crypto 的行业叙事发生了非常明显的变化...
Taking stock of the top five criminal offenses in 2023, which ones are related to the cryptocurrency world?
本文以检察机关起诉的前五个罪名:危险驾驶罪、盗窃罪、帮信罪、掩隐罪、诈骗罪。 撰文:刘正要,上海曼昆律师事...