How is Solana’s liquidity staking developing?
Solana Liquid Stake Mining turns your coins into liquid assets, which can be used efficiently and earn higher returns through the Sanctum platform and DeFi applications.
分析 200 个聪明钱地址后,他们正在 Base 上积累哪些低市值 Meme ?
集中精力,全力以赴并抓住机会。 撰文:Linton Worm 编译:小白导航coderworld 上一个牛市周期,鲸鱼通过 $MATI...
The trilemma of airdropping: To acquire customers and retain them at the same time, what is the correct airdrop approach for a project?
停止进行一次性的空投! 撰文:KERMAN KOHLI 编译:小白导航coderworld 最近,Starkware发起了备受期待的空投...
Financing Weekly Report: 48 financings raised approximately US$260 million, with exchanges and GameFi being the most popular
From March 18 to March 24, 13 blockchain projects raised more than $5 million. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld According to RootData data, 3...
Türkiye’s regulatory U-turn: Will it spark a Web3 boom?
The Turkish government recently announced a series of new cryptocurrency regulatory measures, but the road to achieving this goal is not smooth. Written by: Nikolai Kuznetsov Editor...
Analysis of Nervos Network, UTXO isomorphic BTC L2
本文主要介绍 UTXO 同构的 BTC L2 Nervos Network 的产品特点、生态发展和代币经济模型。 撰文:duoduo、Alfred ...
Chain abstraction: prism in the multi-chain era
模块化 L1 Particle Network 提供了实现链抽象的 SDK 平台。 撰文:0XNATALIE 作为 Crypto/Web3 生态系统的关键...
What kind of butterfly effect will the EU’s latest crypto-asset “open box order” have?
最新加密资产「开盒令」是一个在利弊两端都极为「亮眼」的新规。 小白导航 撰文:肖飒团队 飒姐团队注意到,2024 ...
Bitcoin takes a break, meme hype rotates to Base chain
加密细分板块的炒作轮换越来越快。 撰文:Mary Liu,比推 BitpushNews 今日加密市场涨跌互现,截止当天美股收盘...
A quick look at the 25 finalists for the a16z Crypto Spring Accelerator
覆盖基础设施、消费者应用程序、DeFi、支付、游戏、开发工具与 DePIN 不同赛道。 撰文:a16z Crypto 编译:Peng ...