A look at the 6 projects ArkStream Capital invested in in Q1 2024
ArkStream Capital invested in 6 projects in Q1 2024: XION, Unicross, Polyhedra, BEVM, Merlin Starter, and Nubit. ...
ezETH de-anchoring: whales profit from bargain hunting, project owner urgently adjusts airdrop rules
Within 24 hours of the announcement of the new coin mining, ezETH was depegged, with the price dropping to as low as $2,262. Individuals holding ezETH leveraged positions suffered losses of more than $50 million. ...
Analysis of Ethena’s mining yield in the second quarter, 400%+APY is not a dream?
本文将分析三种不同的 Ethena 挖矿策略及其潜在回报。 原文作者:Bankless 前分析师 Donovan Choy 编译:Odaily ...
How to measure a MEME coin with financial and social indicators? (Attached Dune board)
财务评分的“基础”是其非代币流动性和DEX交易量。 撰文:ANDREW HONG 编译:小白导航coderworld 每一个市场周期...
Imagining the world after parallel EVM: Reshaping the landscape of dApps and user experience
并行化是一种手段,而不是目的。 撰文:Reforge Research 编译:小白导航coderworld 富兰克林曾经说过一句名言...
A Simple Guide to Gitcoin Grants Round 20
Gitcoin Grants 捐赠活动至今已进行了 19 次,在帮助项目成长的过程中,也为捐赠者带来代币空投等奖励,越来越多的用户借由 Gitcoin 走进 Web3 的世界。 ...
对话 Aperture Finance CEO:意图为主、AI 为辅,如何打造意图驱动的新范式?
意图架构类似于哆啦A梦百宝袋,总有一款合适的道具(求解器)来满足用户的链上需求。 提问者:Mia,ChainCatcher...
Dialogue with BITWU: The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish?
dappOS 的出现打碎了一切复杂性。 | $BTC减半后,对市场的影响 1.$BTC现已完成减半,您如何分析这种周期性事件...
Hong Kong's first batch of 6 virtual asset ETFs approved, physical subscription and redemption is expected to open a compliant "withdrawal" channel for cryptocurrencies
香港比特币和以太坊现货 ETF 的监管靴子正式落地。 撰文:Weilin 香港比特币和以太坊现货 ETF 的监管靴子正式落...
The evolution of on-chain data and signal trading tools under the MEME craze
涵盖一级市场的资讯平台、二级市场的情绪分析与交易机遇工具等。 撰文:Bing Ventures Meme 币在 2021 年并未完...