
Exclusive interview with 1kx research partner: FHE is "very close" to large-scale application, and we should pay close attention to the development of the field

1kx 研究合伙人 Wei Dai 认为,虽然全同态加密的整体发展还落后于零知识证明约三到四年,但其潜力巨大。 采访及撰...

Bitget Research Institute: Mt.Gox clearly stated that it would not pay compensation in the short term, causing the market to stop falling and fluctuate in a narrow range

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...

Security Special Issue 03|OKX Web3 & WTF Academy: You were working hard to steal my web content one second, but your home was hacked the next?

特邀行业知名安全专家0xAA与OKX Web3钱包安全团队,从实操指南的角度出发,来讲解「撸毛人」常见的安全风险和防范措施。 ...

Detailed explanation of the three elements of meme distribution: development team, snipers and whales

小白导航 要想长期成功,必须有这三者的良好组合。 作者:Ansem 编译:小白导航coderwor...

McLaren Mercedes unveils Senna special edition livery for 2024 Monaco Grand Prix

「OKX呈献之迈凯轮SENNA」活动由迈凯轮赛车与其官方合作伙伴OKX和Senna Global合作推出,旨在庆祝车手冼拿的赛车传奇。 ...

The first appearance of the "decentralized sorter" is here to understand Morph's self-motivated ecological flywheel

去中心化排序器从来都不只是技术叙事,利润分配权下放后,它将是对 L2 经济体系的彻底重塑。 你对「去中心化排...

The Art of Crypto Project Naming: How Spelling Can They Be to Be Remembered?

贴合各种意向起个好名字,是抵挡健忘症的第一步。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld '无名小卒,还是名扬天下?' 这句...

Cobo: New economics script after BTC halving

未来比特币真正回报将来自将其作为投资资产,投资于 L2、DeFi、CeFi 等生态项目,持币人将从中获得收益,这将成为比特币生态的重要发展趋势。 ...

In-depth study of Mind Network: When fully homomorphic encryption meets Restaking, the consensus security of encrypted AI projects is within reach

走进 Mind Network,了解这个集AI、Restaking和全同态加密等热点叙事于一身的潜力项目。 撰文:小白导航 coderwor...

Mastering Narrative Trading: A Complete Guide from Trend Spotting to Profitable Strategies

时间就是金钱,如何先人一步抓住叙事炒作。 作者:The DeFi Investor 编译:Ismay 编者按:加密研究员 The DeFi...
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