
35+ Bitcoin Layer2 Project Inventory: Exploring Innovative Projects and Technological Frontiers

In-depth discussion of multiple innovative Bitcoin Layer2 projects, understanding their technical principles, team background, financing and development roadmap. Written by: Trustless Lab...

被 LayerZero「猎巫」的人们:我们是制造链上虚假繁荣的「工具人」

史上最大猎巫「围剿」落幕,「猎巫行动」逐渐沦为了人性的游戏,而曾经占据上风的「撸毛」者们面临穷途末路。 撰...

Uncovering Jesse Pollak: The Birth and Success Secret of Base Chain

Coinbase engineering wizard Jesse Pollak considered leaving the company but ended up creating the popular Base chain. Written by Niamh Rowe, Fortune Magazine Editor...

In-depth analysis: What is the current status of cryptocurrency industry regulation in Taiwan and Southeast Asia?

速览台湾、泰国、越南、印尼、马来西亚、新加坡、菲律宾的加密货币行业监管现状。 整理:Weilin 东南亚地区作为...

US presidential candidate: Bought 21 Bitcoins since running for office

小罗伯特肯尼迪表示,「我给我的每个孩子都买了三枚比特币」。 采访及整理:Wendy,Foresight News 美国总统竞选...

Security Special Issue 04 | OKX Web3 & OneKey: Adding a “Buff” to Device Security

特邀加密硬件钱包商OneKey安全团队与OKX Web3钱包安全团队,从实操指南的角度出发,教你给设备安全加点「Buff」。 ...

Meme coin's value consensus mechanism, future trends and investment logic

我们逐渐意识到这是一种全新的共识机制,那就是FAIR PLAY! 作者:BillyWen,Negentropy Capital 合伙人 2015 年...

PoPP 2.0 is about to start, creating the road to productization of "Web3+AI"

在PoPP 2.0的引领下,Web3与AI小白导航的结合将焕发出前所未有的活力。 基于AI的WEB3新一代社交叙事,赋能Web3用...

From Web2 to Web3: How does TON chain reshape the future of social interaction and payment?

无需增加用户迁移成本,利用Telegram现有的社交网络,TON能够以Web3的方式重构Web2的商业模式。 作者:Biteye 核...

获 Vitalik 新文赞赏:走进以太坊 L2 项目 Taiko 的技术创新及生态建设

生态扩张持续发力,代币 TGE 即将到来。 撰文:小白导航coderworld 随着牛市的回归和以太坊 ETF 的通过,以太坊...
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