
Sui Ecosystem in Numbers: Daily Active Addresses Exceed 470,000, DeFi TVL Exceeds US$785 Million

本文将介绍 Sui 的高级别用户趋势,涵盖其日益成熟的 DeFi 和消费领域,并提供关于在该网络上构建的新兴协议的数据驱动视角。 ...

ArkStream Capital: Application chain has become a trend, and we need to fully understand the design methods and projects worth paying attention to

应用链可能通过聚合层、超级链或链抽象技术来解决现有的流动性碎片化和互操作性问题。 作者:ArkStream Capital ...

「BNB 手机」来了?CoralApp:多链生态红利「聚合器」

新一波 Web3 手机红利来了? 撰文:Bob,白话区块链 去年底,Web3 手机 Solana Saga 的发售引发抢购潮,随后二...

专访 deBridge 创始人 Alex:构建流动性的互联网

积分第二季开启在即,来听听团队的考量与大计划。 撰文:jk,Odaily 星球日报 随着去中心化金融基建领域的不断演...

比特币新纪元:揭秘 BTCFi 的财富密码

BTCFi 不止是简单的一加一等于二。 什么是 BTCFi? BTCFi (BTC DeFi),即基于比特币资产和比特币网络构建的去...

Fractal Bitcoin: An innovative scaling solution for Bitcoin

Fractal Bitcoin 主网将于九月正式上线。 撰文:dt 本周的加密行情,由美联储主席鲍威尔在杰克逊霍尔上发表明确...

Lumoz Quidditch Competition officially launched, sharing 50 million Lumoz points and 30+ top ecological project incentives

The prize pool is generous: 50 million Lumoz points (points exchange ratio 1:1, that is, 50 million MOZ tokens) + plus token support provided by multiple top ecological projects. ...

In-depth dialogue: How to prevent security risks in on-chain transactions? Evaluation dimensions of exchange listings and project risk identification

This dialogue discussed the risk assessment of listing on exchanges, on-chain security issues, and how investors can protect their assets. We invited Bitget...

Arbitrum sponsors the launch of Ethereum open courses | Rapid growth from basics to practical experience, participate in sharing the prize pool benefits

This course will take you through 8 weeks to quickly get started with Solidity language development, deeply understand the development logic of popular projects, build practical projects from 0-1, and smoothly start the Web3 development journey. ...

Crypto Morning News: Yesterday, $220 million flowed out of Bitcoin ETF, and Telegram CEO may be detained until August 28

Binance will launch NULS and DOGS perpetual contracts with a maximum leverage of 75 times. Author: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Yesterday's Market Dynamics Yesterday 1...
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