Future Trends in the Entertainment Industry: How NFTs Shape Asian Fan Culture and Business Models
下一代粉丝文化将开始,一旦找到合适的产品,而且基础设施已经准备好供消费者采用。 撰写:Teng Yan 编译:小白...
An article discusses in detail how to increase the accuracy of "sell high, buy low"
本篇文章通过四个部分来分享如何增加「高抛低吸」的概率及准确性。 前言 之前 ordi,eths,pepe 等内容文章一定...
全方位解读 DePIN 赛道:经济模型、行业现状、优势与挑战
DePIN所带来的市场变革将影响着供应链、产业格局以及整个经济生态系统的演变。 作者:Fred 1.引言:DePIN是什么 ...
Particle Network releases modular intelligent WaaS to help account abstraction applications explode
本文介绍的智能 WaaS 的进步是创新和提高应用性能的契机。 撰文:Carlos Maximiliano Cano、Ethan Francis,Parti...
浅析 DWF 的业务逻辑,如何利用相关信息指导二级交易?
DWF 早期通过拉盘制造财富效应打造品牌形象;其本身是弱监管下熊市催生的产物,利用熊市中项目团队发展困境与市场散户心理实现两头盈利。 ...
From SixDegress to FriendTech, Soulcial’s Web3 Social Fire Moment
Soulcial 希望找到 Web 3.0 社交的灵魂——从底层变革人类交往的不平等局面,将每个人的价值具象化。 不可否认,S...
Comprehensive analysis of the nature and potential of intention
为了吸引更多人使用并推动一个牛市,需要提高dApp的用户体验,这就更加突出了意图中心协议和账户抽象的重要性。 ...
How did fake news lead to the rise and fall of Bitcoin? What is the future of Bitcoin spot ETFs?
关于 SEC 的最佳信息来源就是 SEC 官方。 撰文:veDAO BTC ETF 即将通过?就在昨晚,贝莱德又给我们摆了一个乌龙...
Autonomous Worlds Bible: Active World
The essence of Autonomous Worlds is that anyone (not just its creator) can keep it alive as long as certain invariants hold. Author: Davi...
Huobi HTX makes its grand debut at Blockchain Life 2023 to build a global crypto ecosystem
Sun Yuchen said that there are already more than 100 CeFi and DeFi RWA participants in the industry, which may grow to $16 trillion by 2030, affecting the way the cryptocurrency industry transfers, settles and preserves value. ...