The "golden shovels" were also affected by BDID's "faithful" behavior.
BDID 价格直线下滑,背后平台 GoDID 项目方被指责「没格局」。 撰文:Luccy 12 月 15 日,Bounce Brand 开启新一...
Panoramic inventory of Web3 + AI track: more than 130 projects, what are the undiscovered treasures?
Web3 + AI 概念项目至少有 140 个,84 个已发币,以基础设施、NFT 游戏 元宇宙、数据、计算、聊天机器人等为主。 ...
Where do American cryptocurrency believers gather?
人口、职业和政治都是决定因素。 撰文:William Baldwin 编译:Luffy,Foresight News 加密货币信徒聚集在一些...
INJ hits new heights, here’s a look at 5 projects that may have airdrop and development potential in the Injective ecosystem
5 个 Injective 生态值得关注的协议涵盖 DEX、GameFi、NFT 等应用领域。 撰文:andrew.moh,加密 KOL 编译:Feli...
BRC-20 and inscriptions are so popular in the East, what’s going on?
Ordinals 可以刻上任意内容,从而使其成为完全在链上托管的无代币 NFT,而 BRC-20 和 CBRC-20 则为比特币生态系统的扩张提供了新的可能性。 ...
In the past, she was called V God, but now she is called Little V. What has Solana experienced these days?
FTX 暴雷给 Solana 生态很多重要项目的流动性带来重创,能在短短一年之内快速恢复,用实际行动表明了 Solana 生态的活力和韧性。 ...
Technology drives finance, the underlying logic under the hype of Inscription
铭文的发展对于比特币而言有一定进步意义,但对于其他公链或者 Layer2 而言,更像是一场应用性能测试。 撰文:比...
Operation Guide: Countdown 1 day, how to participate in ZKFair Gas Fee Airdrop?
上限为 300 万 USDC,先到先得。 整理:Odaily 本篇文章将详细解释 ZKFair Gas Fee Airdrop 的细则以及作为一...
How can Ethereum's Layer2 compete with Solana?
市场对 L2 的最大需求不是一个影子以太坊 L2,而是全新的 L2 路线。 撰文:蓝狐 arbitrum、optimism 以及 zksync...
Which cats and dogs have become community stars amid the Solana Meme wave?
除了傻龙,还有哪些 Meme 正在 Solana 上「兴风作浪」? 撰文:Karen,Foresight News Solana 生态的 Meme 热潮...