Can Bitland, Bakery's second Launchpad project, replicate 1Cat's path to success?
Bakery的代币$BLLB有望成为Bakery生态继$1CAT之后的第二个重要经济支撑。 比特币的创新从未停止,从资产分发机制...
HTX Ventures 2023 Year in Review
2024 is coming, and HTX Ventures stands at the forefront of the blockchain and cryptocurrency track change, full of optimism for the future and with a clear vision. Author: H...
Vitalik: Reigniting the Cypherpunk Spirit of Ethereum
Our goal is not just to create isolated tools and games, but to build a freer and more open society and economy. Written by: Vitalik Buterin...
Sol ecosystem generally fell, MEME market maker Gotbit bet on AI concept Realy, can it create the next BONK?
Realy是否能成为下一个Bonk,市值如SOL在浴火中逆势而起,进入百亿俱乐部? 28日,对冲基金Gotbit Hedge Fund宣布...
Behind the BSV surge: Craig Wright’s identity is being re-examined, are Koreans fueling the trend?
「大区块主义」的簇拥者最终用拉盘重新回到了人们的眼前。 编辑:0xAyA,Odaily 星球日报 据 OKX 数据,BSV 价格...
BTNS 属于元协议的范畴,而 Rune Alpha 和 CBRC-20 都属于「二层协议」。 撰文:鉴叔 一、Rune Alpha Rune Alph...
Interpreting SCP: Breaking away from the Rollup paradigm of trustless infrastructure
The vision and practical application of SCP is to build a new generation of trustless infrastructure, or even a computing platform with a non-blockchain structure. Written by Wu Yue, Geek Web3...
Binance listings ignite the AI+Crypto track, counting 17 projects worth paying attention to on Wanwudao
AI+Crypto is gaining popularity. What are the potential targets in the primary and secondary markets? Written by: Wanwudao AI and Crypto This handsome man and beautiful woman are rare in the world today...
Huobi HTX held a Christmas party, Justin revealed the focus of airdrops and platform operations
火币HTX空投项目即将公布。 圣诞节前后,火币HTX分别在2个城市举办了“牛市启航 暴富之路引领者的相聚”的线下见面...
Chain Games Industry 2023 Annual Survey: Acquiring new users is the biggest challenge, and the P2E model still has room for development
This article aims to assess blockchain gaming professionals’ views on the current state of the industry, reflect the industry’s collective outlook two years after the current crypto winter, and identify challenges and opportunities for 2024. ...