160 times in 8 hours, a hat trick of zeroing out, the Kardashian family's "bloody" cryptocurrency game
3 次大反转,48 小时玩转整个币圈。 撰文:陀螺财经 要是稍微关注美国综艺,就该知道如雷贯耳的卡戴珊家族。 无...
Stargate Finance: Crossing the blockchain to achieve unlimited liquidity
Stargate Finance 旨在作为区块链和去中心化应用程序(DApps)之间的桥梁。 撰文:茶馆小二儿 1. 项目简介 Star...
A look at the price performance of 11 airdropped tokens after they were launched this year
JTO、ENA、JUP 表现突出,分别上涨了 149%、73% 和 51%。 撰文:Defi_Mochi、Stacy Muur,加密研究员 编译:Feli...
Cobo: New economics script after BTC halving
未来比特币真正回报将来自将其作为投资资产,投资于 L2、DeFi、CeFi 等生态项目,持币人将从中获得收益,这将成为比特币生态的重要发展趋势。 ...
Why did 140,000 Bitcoins transfer out of the Mentougou address?
推迟数年后,门头沟事件或将迎来终局。 撰文:Joyce 今日,破产十年的交易所 Mt.Gox(门头沟)账户地址突然出现...
Can Base challenge Solana's dominance as a meme coin?
Solana 通过技术进步、空投和社区支持建立了多元化和繁荣的生态系统,而 Base 则更专注于加密货币用户。 撰文:Da...
The era of "picking up money" is over, and it will become increasingly difficult for retail investors to make money through crypto assets such as Bitcoin
散户在加密市场还有机会吗? 撰文 Terry 最近一年,你有没有遇到过 Rug Pull(撤池子,跑路)项目?有没有因为喊...
Dialogue with Taiko: What is a multi-proof route? How is it related to the finality of Ethereum?
主网上线前陷空投风波,Taiko 是否还值得关注? 撰文:LINDABELL 5 月 23 日,Taiko 公布了首轮空投查询页面,但...
Bitget Research Institute: Mt.Gox cold wallet transferred nearly $7 billion of BTC, causing the market to pull back intraday
过去 24 小时,市场出现了不少新的热门币种和话题,很可能它们就是下一个造富机会。 摘要 昨日 Mt. Gox 时隔 6 ...
Is now a good time to invest in ENA in batches?
ENA(Ethena)让Web3世界拥有独立自主的货币(稳定币)发行权和计价权成为可能。 撰文:大鹏同风起 ENA(Ethena...