
The operator of the TG Telegram group was sentenced to prison. How can the Web3 community operate in compliance?

随着各国及地区对于 Web3 的监管政策的逐渐明晰,谁又能知道什么时候 Web3 社区成为下一个开刀对象? 撰文:刘红...

Nipple fun or software war? TON ecosystem game Hamster Kombat becomes popular in Iran and draws criticism from politicians

火遍伊朗的 Hamster Kombat 成为众矢之的,得到了该国政要与专家学者的一致差评。 撰文:Zen,PANews 近段时间,...

A comprehensive review of the projects and tracks that Ethereum founder Vitalik often "likes"

本文旨在盘点一下 Vitalik 历史上曾「带货」过的项目 / 技术方向的发展与现状,并试图总结背后原因及它们如何影响并塑造了我们如今所看到的以太坊。 ...

The founder of PC giant Dell becomes a Bitcoin "new bull"? He sent out several optimistic tweets and supported BTC payments as early as 10 years ago.

尽管当前戴尔及 Michael Dell 尚未公开大举进军加密领域,但其高调表态也凸显了围绕比特币的主流关注度正越来越高,而其对比特币的公开看好,或许也暗示着已...

Deep Analysis of AO: The Supercomputer That Brings AI to Crypto

AO 的万亿美元机会在于 AI。 撰文:Teng Yan 编译:Luffy,Foresight News 本月初,SpaceX 第四次成功发射了「...

TON Ecosystem Panorama: Exploring Star Projects and Future Opportunities on the Chain (Part 1)

本文将解析 TON 整体生态的发展和风险。 撰文:WolfDAO 续接第一篇《万字深入解析 TON 链:揭示未来区块链巨头的...

Bitget Research Institute: ETH ETF is expected to be approved as early as July, Blast coin airdrop

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...

对话 Zeta Market CEO:把 Solana 速度提升 100 倍,未来 Solana 超越以太坊并不惊讶

Zeta X 旨在集成尖端技术,提供一个非托管、完全可验证的永续合约交易所,其速度和易用性堪比中心化平台。 撰文:...

下跌行情中,哪些 AI 代币适合 Buy the Dip?

我们正处于第二波浪潮的末期,大多数AI项目已经从其起步阶段崩溃了 80%-90,这是进入人工智能第三波之前的最佳买入期。 ...

A guide to quitting contract gambling: How do bookmakers manipulate prices to ultimately reap the benefits of retail investors?

终于知道是怎么亏的了。 作者:OwenJin12 此文并非针对 $P****,我只是随便挑了个二级市场相关数据明显异常的项...
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