Who did Polkadot spend the $40 million in promotional fees on?
虚假粉丝、内容刷量、机器人账号,波卡的营销预算是一场KOL投放灾难。 作者:Jack,BlockBeats 6月29日,Polkado...
HTX Ventures Announces Investment in RedStone Oracles to Expand Modular DeFi Infrastructure
HTX Ventures是火币HTX的全球投资部门,整合投资、孵化和研究以识别全球最优秀和最有前景的团队。 为建立一个更...
With the market falling so much, is it really necessary for governance tokens to exist?
治理代币所需的两个关键特征:对经济价值的控制和控制的可靠性。 作者:Outerlands Capital 编译:小白导航coder...
Lif3.com and evmOS partner to launch the first L1 solution with DeFi contracts
此次合作推出了全球首个公共无许可使用的 Layer-1 解决方案“Lif3 Chain”,支持精选合约的无许可部署。 作者:Lif3...
The era of parallel execution has arrived. Take a look at the MEV landscape on Monad
本文探讨了在 Monad 上构建强大的矿工可提取价值拍卖基础设施 (MEVA) 的可能性。 作者:APRIORI ⌘ 编译:小白导...
0 is justice, teach you how to quickly interact with BTC L2 open airdrop project Photon
近期 Photon 推出激励测试网第二阶段 Aurora,且官方明牌可以通过做测试网任务交互获得空投奖励代币 $PTON。 经历...
What motivation do the bigwigs in the cryptocurrency world have to "put out the fire" of Curve?
事实证明,Ve 模型头部效应带来了糟糕的流动性。 撰文:Steven,E2M 研究员 日常讨论 思考 去年 7 月底 Curve ...
对代币经济学的理解是加密领域最重要的技能。 撰文:cyclop,加密 KOL 编译:Felix,PANews 好的代币经济学可以...
Polkadot's first half financial report caused controversy: $87 million in expenditures accounted for nearly half of the total, and revenue was only $1.1 million
尽管官方声称国库的资金储备足够支撑两年,但高达 8700 万美元的大额支出仍引发社区质疑。 撰文:Nancy,PANews ...
Is Blast a flash in the pan? Or is it the next entry point for mass adoption?
Blast 饱受争议,它能把自己和 L2 这个赛道从「非共识」变成「共识」吗? 撰文:Joe,Foresight News Blast 有可...