
Arthur Hayes: What would the best encryption bill look like, and how to use the US election to pass it?

有没有办法将大约 5000 万持有加密货币的美国成年人变成一个单一投票集团,确保在选举前颁布一项积极的加密货币立法? ...

Can you get airdrops if you have played Meme? Detailed explanation of Holdium airdrop collection rules

当前参与 Holdium 的方式就是登记钱包查看分数,之后每月按时领取空投(或者到手就卖)。 撰文:小白导航 coderwo...

Airdrop trends in 2024: User disappointment and deterioration of protocol fundamentals

作为协议方,要确保能够留住用户,打造一个长期成功的产品。 作者:Stacy Muur 编译:小白导航coderworld 来自 ...

"Organic growth point" or "top PUA", what are the advantages and disadvantages of the points incentive model?

本文从多维度视角出发,探讨积分模式的优劣势,并试图找出相对应的解决方案。 撰文:Pzai,Foresight News 在加...

Macro Research: The selling pressure trend gradually subsides, and Bitcoin is expected to strengthen its upward momentum

过去一周,市场成功消化了巨鲸出货并触及压力位。疲软的美国经济数据抬升了降息预期,美联储主席鲍威尔释放鸽派信号。 ...

Why is the US SEC so obsessed with the crypto industry?

加密监管如何影响行业未来进程? 撰文:火火 最近的监管、利空消息不停,就在 6 月 28 日,美国证券交易委员会(...

AI+DePIN: A powerful combination or a positive plus a negative?

我们要对 AI+DePIN 赛道的发展有耐心和信心。 作者:Biteye 核心贡献者 Fishery 编辑:Biteye 核心贡献者 Crush ...

Memoirs of ICO money-making behemoths: Some became Bitcoin tycoons, while others were worth only $70,000, and their investment returns were not as good as BTC and ETH

从盘点的 10 个项目来看,这些项目无疑是那个时代最耀眼的明星,顶着名人光环,轻而易举的获取巨额投资。 撰文:F...

Analysis of institutional investment data and logic in the first half of the year: Prior to large-scale adoption and real bull market layout, the founding team's capabilities are most important

Animoca Brands 上半年度出手次数最多,OKX Ventures 紧随其后。 撰文:夫如何,Odaily 星球日报 2024 年已经过...

Storj 高管团队转向 AI,Prodia 究竟是什么?

1500 万种子轮融资,从图像生成到 AI 推理解决方案,三分钟速读 Prodia。 撰文:Chandler,Foresight News 近期...
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