详解 Bluefin:构建 Sui 的高性能去中心化金融网络,TGE 在即
本文将介绍 Bluefin 即将带来的更新与 TGE 详情,讲述 Bluefin 的发展历程与宏大愿景。 撰文:小白导航 coderworl...
With so many release nodes, why is Lumoz the ultimate winner?
Lumoz is a decentralized ZK-RaaS platform that allows any user to generate customized zkEVM application chains without code. In the past two weeks, the modular computing layer and ZK-...
Hack VC Partner: The project applies better liquidity management and task incentives to solve the problem of large-scale token unlocking
By integrating liquidity and milestone-based incentive dimensions into distribution plans, projects can better align incentives, ensure sufficient market depth, and increase real appeal. ...
Dialogue with Justin Sun: Vision Pro and Bitcoin are my WOW moments
Technology enthusiast Sun Yuchen wants to sign up to be one of the first people to go to Mars. Written by: Li Hangcool 01 gamer Sun Yuchen invited me to his house for dinner this May Day,...
Why are altcoins underperforming? Insufficient liquidity and currency fragmentation may be the culprits
A friendlier retail market is good for everyone. Author: Miles Deutscher Translated by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld The main fundamental flaw of cryptocurrency...
Interpreting the MegaETH white paper: Infrastructure never sleeps. What is so special about the huge amount of financing L1 in which Vitalik participated?
Now that all market participants are tired of the public chain performance narrative, how can MegaETH stand out? Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Infrastructure Forever...
9 张数据图剖析:Blast 发展得怎么样了?
小白导航 Blast 是最快达到 20 亿美元 TVL 的链。 撰文:1912212.eth,Foresight News Blast 姗姗来迟,原本定...
专访 Mysten Labs 联创:L2 没有价值
「我根本不认为 L2 能解决问题。实际上,它们产生的问题比解决的问题还要多。」 受访者:Adeniyi Abiodun,Mysten...
本文带你深入 FLOSS 开发者社区与营利性公司间的关系动态。 撰文:Birkinbine、Benjamin 编译:Tiao,LXDAO 译...
Livepeer 是一个基于以太坊区块链开发的去中心化直播视频流协议,允许使用者根据请求实时对视频进行转码。 撰文:...