
DeFi is declining, the market is being eaten away by L2, where is the cure for the sick Ethereum?

当前的 DeFi 生态系统虽然具有循环特性,但已经证明了链上金融系统的可行性。 作者:The Daily Bolt by Revelo In...

The key to Web3 is not code, but building interoperability through the community

社区革命才刚刚开始。 作者: 编译:小白导航coderworld 社区层:重新定义 Web3 营销的基础 在快速变化的 We...

从 Sanctum 看 Solana 流动性质押的长尾效应

Sanctum 通过一种独特的方法推动 Solana 上 LST 的采用,这种方式与以太坊截然不同。 作者:Sonya Kim 编译:小...

Top KOL Ansem's latest interview: This is the best cycle since I entered the circle

基于 EVM 的 L2 没意义,Meme 币是 SocialFi 的原始形态。 小白导航 嘉宾:Ansem,知名交易员 编译:zhouzhou、Is...

Dialogue with Mantle Games Director: Catizen is the starting point, we are committed to achieving the success of 7 flagship games 100%

跟随 Grant,一起走进 Mantle 生态游戏版图。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 从 TON 生态「Tap to Earn」粉丝量超越...

加密早报: Fractal Bitcoin 主网已上线,APT、XAI、RENDER 等多个代币本周迎来大额解锁

Tether 投资 1.02 亿美元入股农业巨头,称土地为地缘政治不稳定时期的避风港。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 周末...

The conspiracy group was successfully listed, but the community was slapped in the face? What is the dispute over the capitalization of Neiro?

这下有点尴尬了。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 最近以太坊主网的链上行情确实够热闹,各种应用类新币还没炒作几...

How are the well-known Web3 projects based in Hong Kong doing in terms of compliance?

本文将简要盘点在香港严格监管背景下运作的主要加密项。 撰文:曼昆律师 香港作为亚洲的金融中心,其虚拟货币市...

From companion games to the Web3 gaming revolution: a16z leads $30 million investment in a big bet on the future of gaming platform Balance

Balance 推出了基于第二层 ZK Rollup 的游戏链,提供即时交易、可扩展性和零手续费,使用 AI 技术降低游戏开发门槛。 ...

Can modifying Blob’s pricing mechanism really help ETH break through its difficulties?

小白导航 以太坊的未来,在于链抽象、EOA 地址智能钱包化、模块化、单区块确认性等等技术迭代引发新一轮的应用层创新 Summer,并不在于在当下征收更多的 DA ...
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