Viewpoint: Encryption applications should focus less on technology and more on demand
创新应该体现在用户体验上,而不是技术本身。 作者:rm 编译:小白导航coderworld 消费类产品应用真的很难做...
CTH Group, Axlflops, and MetaEra Announce First Lineup for Palo Alto AI X Web3 Summit
在接下来的一个月里,Palo Alto AI X Web3 峰会将继续宣布更多演讲嘉宾,并致力于为嘉宾和观众提供为期两天的深入讨论、圆桌会议和社交活动。 ...
Solana Breakpoint 2024: Major Project Progress
Play Solana 推出了 PSG1,首款基于 Solana 的物理 Web3 游戏设备,将游戏与区块链技术融合,为用户提供增强的体验。 ...
Token2049 short essay collection: The industry is reshuffled, and dawn comes after pessimism
Don't leave the table. Compiled by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Every year after the Token2049 ends, it's time for a short essay. This article selects 8 short essays for you...
Reflections on the Singapore Conference: Stay away from noise, the development of the industry is always driven by optimists
The industry is always driven by optimists. Let's go all out for good things! From WebX, KBW to TOKEN2049, each event is the A...
Pyth Oracle Security Staking (OIS): Improving DeFi security with more secure price feed incentives
Pyth Network 正在重新定义 DeFi 的未来。 Pyth Network 致力于为 DeFi 提供强大的助力,缩小传统金融和链上金融...
With a monthly trading volume of 1.4 billion US dollars on the Korean exchange, what did Delysium ($AGI) do right?
Delysium 做对了什么,才能在号称“东亚卷王”的韩国扎根并创造出社区文化,口口相传成为 AI 龙头之一? 引言 众所...
LBank successfully held the "Meet Your Meme" TOKEN2049 Afterparty event
由 LBank 携手 Shiba Inu、Babydoge 和 SaitaChain 联合举办的备受期待的“Meet Your Meme”TOKEN2049 Afterparty 圆满落幕。 ...
TOKEN2049 Summit: OKX redefines the on-chain experience. The newly upgraded wallet and the Legend Reborn racing paint jointly designed with McLaren become the focus
OKX在本周的TOKEN2049新加坡大会上重新定义了链上体验,发布了全新升级的OKX Web3钱包,并与迈凯伦共同推出了全新设计的Legend Reborn赛车涂装。 ...
Reunion in Singapore, a quick overview of TOKEN2049 wonderful views
今年的 TOKEN2049,仍旧热闹非凡。 撰文:陀螺财经 今年的 Token2049,热闹非凡,新加坡,也再度成为 Web3 圣...