Tags:Gold Farming
How to seize the airdrop opportunity of TON ecosystem?
很多 TON 生态项目打算采用空投的营销方式,为社区参与者提供了众多撸毛机会。 撰文: Jonas@Foresight Ventures ...
一个 hardcore 链游玩家的内心独白:如何平衡娱乐与投资?
如果玩游戏是为了获得娱乐体验,那最好是去玩Web2游戏。 作者:Cathy Que 1.既然是玩链游而不是玩Web2游戏,我...
市场惨淡,Ton 何以一枝独秀?
Ton生态的Summer要来了吗? 撰文:Joyce 最近整个市场情绪非常悲观,尤其是山寨币市场,在整个比特币大盘不稳情...
Narrative upgrade: the new focus of hype
叙事升级赛道是一个新兴的概念,它不再局限于单一的项目变革,而是涵盖了更为广泛的范围。 作者:Frontier Lab ...
Game "POC", can Space Nation's new mode make people "addictive"?
链游良性循环的解决方案层出不穷,从上瘾模式出发,探讨 Space Nation 的 POC 模式能否奏效。 一、项目简介 Spac...
Notcoin successfully breaks through the circle and lands on major exchanges. This article summarizes the key information on the eve of the opening
Notcoin把绝大多数的代币分给了社区,项目开发仅占5%,且无投资人份额。 作者:Alfred 一、Notcoin是什么? N...
In-depth insights into Web3 gaming industry trends: Will Web3 gaming have its “iPhone moment” in 2024?
Web3 games are an important part of the Web3 industry and an important catalyst for popularizing Web3. Written by: Jianshu Games have always been regarded as a key to unlocking the Web3 industry...
Financing Weekly Report: 37 financings raised over US$150 million, infrastructure and Bitcoin ecosystem remain popular
From May 6 to May 12, 12 blockchain projects raised more than $5 million. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld According to RootData data, 5...
聚焦市场增量痛点:Sidekick 如何通过陪玩场景撬动 Web3 的大规模采用?
Sidekick 首先尝试通过 Web3 陪玩这种融入社交场景的教育方式降低用户进入门槛,而这种 1v1 高效且深入的沟通方式也拥有足够大的延展空间。 ...
Fusionist's first 3A masterpiece is about to be launched, "Ace Arena" brings a new P2E experience
High-quality 3A masterpieces inject new "momentum" into the crypto industry. Written by: Bob, Vernacular Blockchain Recently, a well-known Web3 game developer officially announced on social networks that it will continue to...