Justin Sun: Respect security, user assets are sacred and inviolable
Huobi HTX will take practical actions to ensure that the asset security of platform users remains at the top level in the industry. On September 26, Justin Sun, a member of the Huobi HTX Global Advisory Committee, gave a speech...
A brief analysis of the global regulatory development of virtual assets
本文将从行业观察者的角度梳理2023年最重要趋势的当前进程。 作者:Alfred, LDCapital Crypto 世界的理想状态是...
Meet SBF: The Downfall of the Crypto King
Crypto 就像是伊甸园的蛇,引诱人犯下原罪,而 FTX不过是罪恶露出海面的一角冰山。 撰文: 郝方舟 FTX,曾经的加...
From Verifiable AI to Composable AI: Reflections on ZKML Application Scenarios
AI applications cannot put all calculations on the chain, so zk or optimistic proofs are used to allow AI services to access the public chain system in a more trustless way. Written by: Tu...
2023 Sui Builder House global tour concluded successfully
复杂性是大规模应用的克星,最终的杀手级dApp需要具备可访问性。 撰文:Sui中文小助手 2023年的最后一场Builder ...
Podcast notes | Conversation with Eclipse Co-founder: How does Solana SVM become Ethereum’s L2?
In this podcast, Neel shares with us the design philosophy of Eclipse, its relationship with other technologies such as Solana and Ethereum, etc.
In-depth RaaS: Overview of Rollup service model and profit methods
In this article, we’ll quickly outline what RaaS providers sell, how they differentiate from one another, how they make money, and share some of our insider perspective on the RaaS business. ...
Explore Aragon, groundbreaking DAO infrastructure and comprehensive governance
Aragon仍然坚定不移地致力于突破DAO探索的界限。 这篇研究文章由 ThePASS 团队呈献,同时感谢 Aragon Growth Guil...
Token Design Rating: Key to Measuring the Value of DeFi Protocols
哪些代币设计得当?哪些代币还需改进? 撰写:Nate | eatsleepcrypto.eth 编译:小白导航 coderworld 最近我一...
A sociological experiment on money and global citizenship
Sam Altman and Elon Musk both want to do the same thing, namely identity + payment, but they have different paths to achieve it. Written by: CloudY, Jam This article is based on Zuzal...