
If OpenAI was a DAO, could this farce have been avoided?

虽然规则和约束能够形成许多共识,但真正伟大的共识往往不是由规则所铸就。 作者:王超 从周末的这出大戏刚开始...

Reborn from the ashes, the evolution of PrimeVote of Huobi HTX

"Global expansion, ecological prosperity, wealth effect, safety and compliance" is a summary of the current situation and future of Huobi HTX. Huobi HTX, one of the oldest exchanges in the crypto industry...

Bitget Wallet launches Web3 exploration and incentive platform Task2Get, launching the first phase of ZetaChain interactive activities

Task2Get 首期活动联合 L1 公链 ZetaChain官方,围绕 ZetaChain测试网生态交互开展。 近日,全球领先的一站式 W...

RUNE and CACAO are in the spotlight. What are the sources of high income behind the agreement?

大部分是来自付费客户的费用,部分来自 RUNE 和 CACAO 的升值。 撰写:Joel Valenzuela 编译:小白导航 coderwor...

Exclusive interview with Bitget Research Institute, revealing the secrets of the coin listing behind the dark horse spot

In the critical period of transition from bear market to bull market, Bitget has achieved phased results by taking into account the concept of quality, efficiency and comprehensive listing of coins, coupled with top-down research drive. ...

OKX Researcher: Learning from the Cycle, What the Crypto Industry's Leading Institutions Know and Do

本文旨在通过与 dappOS、Taiko、Celestia 和 OKX Ventures 这些成功度过此轮熊市周期的行业优质项目和机构对话,从他们的视角理解市场,探索他们在熊市中的「...

Sharing security allows "decentralized trust" to be traded

共享安全机制的区块链,其验证人只是纯粹来赚取奖励,不会影响新生区块链的治理和决策。 共享安全,就是一条乃至...

One article to review the top 10 finalist projects of ETH Global Istanbul Hackathon

本文将介绍晋级最终决赛圈的 10 个项目。 原文:ETHGlobal 编译:小白导航 coderworld ETH Global 伊斯坦布尔黑...

浅论 Restone:它不是 Plasma,而是 Optimium 变体

本文将为大家介绍Plasma的原理及其为何对智能合约及Defi不友好,以及Redstone到底是什么东西。 作者:Faust,极客...

Uncovering the history of OpenAI: idealism, conflict, choice and power struggle

OpenAI的成长史并非一帆顺风,背后映射出硅谷的一众大佬、顶级科学家们与资本的理想主义,冲突,抉择和权力斗争。 ...
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