
从 RWA 本质,看去中心化资产融资协议 Centrifuge

Centrifuge 是一个去中心化 RWA 资产融资协议,旨在将现实世界资产带到到链上。 撰文:Will 阿望 现实世界资产...

With friendly cooperation with Thorchain, will Chainflip be a qualified CEX challenger?

在代币发布和主网上线后,DEX 产品和继续扩展支持的链是 Chainflip 的下一步。 撰写:小白导航 coderworld 介...

DevConnect comes to an end, how can the Chinese survive in the hackathon?

ETH Global 的参赛项目非常多,从评选的角度出发,最后的10名获奖队伍一定是要有特色和代表性。 DevConnect Istan...

In the next ten years, there will be no second Binance in Crypto

15,000 words long article, understand Binance in the CZ era. Author: Ginger Lao Qin @ASuperGinger wrote a few words before the article. I decided to start writing this article...

Gala Games: Blockchain games are experiencing a second spring, how does GALA stand out?

The long-dormant blockchain game track is experiencing a revival. Can $Gala become a value investment target in GameFi? Introduction: The outstanding performance of Bigtime tokens after its launch...

From obscurity to DeFi rising star: Pendle’s road to success

Pendle 已经积攒了相当高的 TVL,远高于之前的同类协议,可以讲已经脱离了生死线,希望 Pendle 最终可以验证 PMF ...

Outlook on potential tracks: decentralized computing power market (Part 2)

文将从零知识证明的基础概念开始,由浅入深,对去中心化算力市场这条朝阳赛道的更多可能性进行多维度思考。 作者:...

Exclusive interview with Aptos Labs co-founder: Product ease of use does not mean technological leadership, Aptos has always been developer-centric

Aptos 的与众不同在于我们以开发者为中心。 作者:JulianKin & Stoneberri,AptosGlobal 编辑:coderworld小...

Blast 突袭 Layer2 未必成功,但一定是行业大幸

Blast 就是中了paradigm的Web3 Tokenomics经济学毒药,看到Layer2生态现在死气沉沉的样子,试图来一剂猛药来刺激一下。 ...

Mining currency exchange SafeTrade "ran away" Rashomon, POW currency fell into liquidity crisis

This exchange, which is named as safe, does not seem to be that safe. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld If there is a year-end review, Po...
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