
MT Capital research report: Solana is on the eve of a full-scale ecological explosion

Solana生态用户超过百万,开发者超过2000名,从DeFi到NFT,不断地涌现出新项目。 作者:Xinwei, Ian Wu,MT Capit...

Good articles of the week: Vitalik’s introduction to d/acc, Charlie Munger’s final interview, xPet gameplay overview…

Let's discuss GameFi rationally and reserve opinions for the next possible outbreak of the sector. Good Monday, everyone! The information in the crypto world is full of noise, and we are all looking for more...

Why is Amazon launching the Bezos stablecoin?

庞大而忠实的客户群体使亚马逊有可能推出自己的数字货币。 文章作者:RICHARD HOLDEN 文章编译:Block unicorn ...

Bitcoin ecological DApp inventory: DeFi, NFT, infrastructure and wallets are booming

越来越多的项目试图在比特币 Layer1 上构建,本文汇总了当前比特币生态系统中最新的项目。 撰文:Web3CN 与以太...

A quick look at the advantages and development status of 5 new Layer 2 projects

Base、Blast、opBNB、Linea、Scroll 等新晋 Layer2 选手们目前发展如何? 撰文:Day,白话区块链 从发布到突破 6...

How does Wormhole help Pyth Network become the top first-hand oracle network?

本文将探讨 Pyth Network 的核心功能和其在 DeFi 中的作用,同时着重分析 Wormhole 如何通过高效的跨链技术。 D...

Full insight into decentralized social protocols: There is an urgent need for protocol interoperability, and hybrid storage on and off the chain has become a trend

去中心化网络有望改变人际沟通、信息共享和社区建设的方式。 撰写:1kx Accelxr 编译:小白导航 coderworld 在...

OKX Web3 wallet brings Lido and others to start the DeFi interest rate hike season, providing higher APR

简化用户链上ETH及其流动性衍生品质押操作体验,增加收益场景 随着以太坊从PoW转向PoS,ETH质押规模不断上涨。据O...

Huobi HTX debuts NFT Taipei: exploring new trends in the digital economy

数字时代就如同火星移民一样,是加密世界所能引领的趋势。 12月1日,火币HTX全球顾问委员会成员、波场TRON创始...

ABCDE research report: In-depth discussion of co-processors and various solutions

系统整理市面上几家协处理器赛道的技术方案对比,希望给市场和用户一个关于协处理赛道更加清晰的认识 撰文:Kris ...
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