
In the battle for the $97 million Blast Chain, are hackers from a certain country rusty?

Munchables project was attacked, about $97 million was exposed to risk, what happened? Written by: CertiK Background Blast is a project developed by Blur ...

How is Solana’s liquidity staking developing?

Solana Liquid Stake Mining turns your coins into liquid assets, which can be used efficiently and earn higher returns through the Sanctum platform and DeFi applications.

MerlinStarter is launched to consolidate Merlin Chain’s position as the first BTC ecosystem

MerlinStarter activates not only the MerlinChain ecosystem, but the entire Bitcoin ecosystem and assets. Author: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Bitcoin...


火币Liquid Restaking活动升级后,除了追加5000万美元的份额,还增加了一个很有趣的战队玩法。 3月25日,火币HTX...

贝莱德入局,Neopin 推出的 RWA 产品如何乘风而起?

Neopin计划于3月28日推出RWA产品NEOPIN BDLP。 比特币现货ETF通过后,传统金融机构进入加密市场的壁垒进一步降低...

Financing Weekly Report: 48 financings raised approximately US$260 million, with exchanges and GameFi being the most popular

From March 18 to March 24, 13 blockchain projects raised more than $5 million. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld According to RootData data, 3...

Türkiye’s regulatory U-turn: Will it spark a Web3 boom?

The Turkish government recently announced a series of new cryptocurrency regulatory measures, but the road to achieving this goal is not smooth. Written by: Nikolai Kuznetsov Editor...

US$60 million was stolen from the Blast ecological project, and social engineering was "understood" by North Korean hackers

除了做「卧底」潜伏团队,黑客还会扮演客户和雇主接近开发者。 撰文:Joyce 团队遭黑客潜伏,Blast 生态项目被盗...

Introducing Neura: Ankr’s new chain of artificial intelligence and cloud computing

Neura旨在促进人工智能、云计算和区块链技术的融合。 撰文:HERCULES 编译:小白导航coderworld DePIN 巨头 Ank...

Analysis of Nervos Network, UTXO isomorphic BTC L2

本文主要介绍 UTXO 同构的 BTC L2 Nervos Network 的产品特点、生态发展和代币经济模型。 撰文:duoduo、Alfred ...
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