
What do you think of Renzo’s re-pledge narrative?

The Stablecoin Act is actually a general falling from the atmosphere of the United States. This move will directly strangle the lifeblood of the entire blockchain industry. Written by: Haotian How do you view...

Frequent capital support, project airdrops, and pledged LRT tracks have become a "new holy land for gold digging"

What are the opportunities for restaking LRT? Written by: Xiyou, ChainCatcher Edited by: Marco, ChainCatcher Within 1 month,...

MKR's rebirth: new public chain and RWA stablecoin and Spark lending unicorn

MakerDAO 在熊市和牛市表现强劲是因为其扎实的基本面,还是多变的叙事带来的成功? 撰文:IOSG Ventures TL, DR:...

Which Hong Kong cryptocurrency ETF is the best? A detailed analysis of the differences and similarities between the issuance details of the "Big Three"

对于三家机构发行的加密货币 ETF 究竟有哪些细节上的不同,作为投资者应选择哪家进行购买和交易? 整理:JIN,Tec...

MIIX Capital: io.net Project Research Report

io.net 是去中心化的 GPU 网络,旨在为 ML(机器学习) 提供计算。 撰文:MIIX Capital 1、项目情况 1.1 业务...

Comparison between Babylon protocol and EigenLayer

Since the Bitcoin mainnet cannot support complete smart contracts, Babylon's architecture design and application scenarios are very different from EigenLayer. ...

Exclusive interview with Zhu Haokang, head of digital asset management at China Asset Management (Hong Kong): Hong Kong's digital asset industry has great development potential

华夏比特币ETF和华夏以太币ETF已获得中国香港证监会的批准,于2024年4月30日在香港交易所上市。 撰文:PANews 继...

The crypto market is on the rise again. Will parallel SVM challenge parallel EVM?

Parallel Narrative was initially focused on solving Ethereum's transaction performance and efficiency issues. Written by: BitTorrent Asher Zhang In March this year, due to the "Solana EVM ...

Bitget Research Institute: ETH/BTC exchange rate rebounded to 0.051, and the Restaking sector rebounded strongly

过去 24 小时,市场出现了不少新的热门币种和话题,很可能它们就是下一个造富机会。 摘要 BTC 现货 ETF 连续三周...

Theta Network: A decentralized video streaming network based on blockchain

Theta Network 在 2024 年有一个宏伟的发展蓝图,主要聚焦于 Theta EdgeCloud 的推出。 撰文:链茶馆 1.项目简介...
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