区块链游戏 GameFi 创业,这两个刑事风险要避雷
本文将盘点在国内做链游,可能面临的刑事风险。 撰文:高孟阳,上海曼昆律师事务所资深律师 最近 SocialFi 大火...
Security Special Issue 03|OKX Web3 & WTF Academy: You were working hard to steal my web content one second, but your home was hacked the next?
特邀行业知名安全专家0xAA与OKX Web3钱包安全团队,从实操指南的角度出发,来讲解「撸毛人」常见的安全风险和防范措施。 ...
Understanding ENS V2: Extending ETH Mainnet Domain Name Services to L2
ENS V2:更低费用更灵活的域名服务。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 只要时机对,老树开新花。 昨日,Vitalik 坚定...
McLaren Mercedes unveils Senna special edition livery for 2024 Monaco Grand Prix
「OKX呈献之迈凯轮SENNA」活动由迈凯轮赛车与其官方合作伙伴OKX和Senna Global合作推出,旨在庆祝车手冼拿的赛车传奇。 ...
The expectation of ETF approval has driven prices up sharply. Where will the ETH ecosystem go in the future?
监管的明确性和更高的可访问性有望吸引更广泛的需求进入ETH及其生态系统。 作者:Tanay Ved 编译:小白导航coder...
The first appearance of the "decentralized sorter" is here to understand Morph's self-motivated ecological flywheel
去中心化排序器从来都不只是技术叙事,利润分配权下放后,它将是对 L2 经济体系的彻底重塑。 你对「去中心化排...
zkSync airdrop is coming soon, quickly understand the project advantages and potential
zkSync 系统具有高度可扩展性、高性能、高安全性,完全不同于那些不幸被统称为“L2”的其他系小白导航统。 作者:An...
The Art of Crypto Project Naming: How Spelling Can They Be to Be Remembered?
贴合各种意向起个好名字,是抵挡健忘症的第一步。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld '无名小卒,还是名扬天下?' 这句...
Solana DePIN project semi-annual report: the market value of related projects exceeds 10 billion, and Helium Mobile attracts nearly 90,000 users
本文盘点了 Solana 中的四个主要 DePIN 项目:Render Network、Helium、Hivemapper 和 ShdwDrive。 撰文:Chloe,...
Stargate Finance: Crossing the blockchain to achieve unlimited liquidity
Stargate Finance 旨在作为区块链和去中心化应用程序(DApps)之间的桥梁。 撰文:茶馆小二儿 1. 项目简介 Star...