Attention is the core: an overview of the ecological layout of TON, Solana, and Base
In Web3, SocialFi and meme represent the attention economy, and TON, Solana and Base are the best among them. Author: YBB Capital Researcher Z...
Ethereum’s old dream and new reality: Buyers are becoming more institutionalized, reducing expectations for price volatility
The most obvious beneficiaries of the approval of the ETH ETF will be real world assets (RWA) and decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. Author: @c0xswain, @0xkinn...
Why Wall Street remains wary of DeFi
Big banks and asset managers are tentatively venturing into the uncharted waters of cryptocurrencies, but how far will they go? By Vince Dioquino Translation...
Review of Meme's new coin Neiro: market value of nearly 50 million US dollars in two days, led by the entry of the master Ansem
Neiro相关meme币出现时机十分巧妙,有巧合的因素,但大概率还是背后有人推动的。 作者:0xSun,加密 KOL 编者语...
The road to universal computing on Bitcoin: Conceiving STARK to expand Bitcoin
本文将讨论在比特币上实现通用计算的任务及其涉及的各个步骤。 撰文:StarkWare 编译:Starknet 中文社区 1. 引...
Comparison of the current status and prospects of cryptocurrency OTC trading regulation in Hong Kong, Singapore and the United States
香港、新加坡和美国作为全球金融中心,在加密货币及其 OTC 交易的监管方面展现出不同的策略和优势。 撰文:白溱 ...
Few innovations, many politicians | The ultimate review of the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
比特币 2024 大会是对草根文化推动金融未来的一次引人入胜的观察。 撰文:比推 BitpushNews Lincoln Murr 编译:...
From a cyber drug lord to a crypto pioneer: the cleansing and rebirth of a dark web tycoon
36 岁的本索尔正致力于推广他创立两年的新公司 Fathom(x)。 来源:纽约时报 编译:比推 BitpushNews Yanan 布莱...
How credible is Trump’s Bitcoin conference promise?
特朗普真「爱」比特币 or 「逢场作戏」? 撰文:五火球教主 近日,特朗普以顶格嘉宾的身份出席 2024 比特币大会...
A quick look at the recent layout of Marathon, a leading mining company
一文带你速览最大矿企 Marathon Digital 在增持比特币、孵化 L2 等关键领域的最新布局。 撰文:shaofaye123,Fore...