Ethereum killer Solana has become stronger again. Will it succeed this time?
If Ethereum opened up the public chain market with a series of innovations such as smart contracts, then Solana is similar to traditional Web2 companies. Written by: Huohuo202...
Interview with Arca Chief Investment Officer Jeff Dorman: The price of coins is discounted, is now a good time to buy at the bottom?
Jeff Dorman dives into the factors behind the crash, the macroeconomic impact, and why he remains optimistic amid the market downturn. Compiled by:...
孙宇晨寄语火币 HTX 11周年:穿越牛熊的币圈活化石,要做用户体验最好的交易所
未来,火币HTX还将用更出色的成绩回报用户,正如孙宇晨所说,做币圈的“百年老店”。 北京时间8月7日晚,火币HTX全...
从起步到未来:Aleo 深度分析
Aleo 致力于提供高度隐私保护的智能合约和去中心化应用程序。 一、项目介绍与历程 Aleo 是一个专注于用零知识证...
走近香江 Web3(一):持牌交易所就是大投入
什么才算得上“合规交易所”?它在资金要求、资产托管、会计及审计等维度要求几何? 监管与创新的角力,一直是新...
HTX Ventures announces investment in Nexio to grow the Bitcoin ecosystem
近日,火币HTX的全球投资部门HTX Ventures宣布对Nexio进行战略投资。 近日,火币HTX的全球投资部门HTX Ventures...
YAWN launches Meme token, embedded in $1 billion ecosystem and e-commerce system
YAWN’s World 是一个开创性的 meme 代币,嵌入在一个十亿美元的生态系统中,将加密货币创新与电子商务相结合。 作...
Movement 就是当前 Move 生态难题的破局者。 撰文:Biteye 核心贡献者 Willson Lee 编辑:Biteye 核心贡献者 Cru...
Understanding Flashbots' SUAVE chain from a developer's perspective: In addition to MEV, what other possibilities does EVM + TEE have?
SUAVE 链通过引入 TEE 环境,给应用开发带来了足够强大的能力,其潜在的应用场景是非常多的。 撰文:ZHIXIONG PAN...
Bitget 研究院:Ripple 裁决提振市场情绪,Solana 板块持续反弹
In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...