Binance listings ignite the AI+Crypto track, counting 17 projects worth paying attention to on Wanwudao
AI+Crypto is gaining popularity. What are the potential targets in the primary and secondary markets? Written by: Wanwudao AI and Crypto This handsome man and beautiful woman are rare in the world today...
A tour of BTC ecosystem expansion plans: Where will the inscriptions go?
探索热门的铭文生态的技术原理和可能存在的安全问题。 撰文:Simon shieh 前言 2023 年 12 月 6 日,在比特币投...
From parallel to intersection: Exploring the new wave of digital economy led by "Web3 and AI integration"
The integration of Web3 and AI is becoming an inevitable trend. Written by: Cynic, Shigeru This article is the first article in the Web3 x AI series of research reports. Introduction...
What’s next for the Bitcoin ecosystem? Explore potential opportunities
最终,我将得到几乎完全与 ETH 及其 L2 无异的体验、性能与智能合约功能。 撰文:blockpunk 本条将从 BTC 铭文未...
The Block: Review of the Web3 social track in 2023
Social finance emerged suddenly, but fell quickly. Written by: Tim Copeland, THE BLOCK Translated by: Elvin, Chaincatcher Abstract: Go...
比特币生态重回巅峰,CEX 如何在「铭文之战」中抢占头筹?
掌握比特币生态话语权,或将成为下一轮牛市爆发的掌舵人。 撰文:Mia,ChainCatcher 随着美国加息周期逐渐接近尾...
以太坊「复仇成功」,ETH 生态有哪些可以埋伏的机会?
一涨一跌之间,社区高呼「以太坊终于复活了」。 撰文:Kaori 编辑:Jack 以太坊复仇成功了。 今日上午,ETH 突...
As the Bitcoin ecosystem gains momentum, which Layer2 projects are worth paying attention to?
目前比特币 L2 赛道呈现怎样的发展趋势,其中又隐藏着哪些值得关注的早期密码? 撰文:Web3CN 近三个月来,Ordin...
2023 Web3 Blockchain Security Situation and Anti-Money Laundering Analysis
2023 年,链上黑客攻击活动、钓鱼诈骗、项目方 Rug Pull 事件均较 2022 年有了明显的下降。 撰文:Beosin 研究团...
With a one-year increase of 80%, is Ethereum really performing poorly?
以太坊的前景依然光明。 撰文:Zach Pandl Grayscale 编译:象牙山首席村民 碳链价值 以太坊在 2023 年取得了丰...