Polygon founder: L3 is worse than L2
L2 和 L3 是加密货币领域中的不同技术,用于提升区块链网络的可扩展性和效率,目前 L3 的发展很糟糕。 撰文:@0xM...
Pump and We.Rich drive the issuance of coins by all citizens. How many steps are there to create a MEME with a market value of over 100 million?
Pump类产品的出现,是否就以为玩家可以从韭菜翻身做镰刀? 撰文:Frank,PANews 互不接盘的牛市中,Meme 币赛道...
Why is Vitalik in a hurry to propose a new account abstraction solution EIP-7702?
这是一个介于 ERC-4337 和 EIP-3074 之间的方案。 撰文:0XNATALIE EIP-3074 已于今年 4 月被纳入以太坊的下一次...
RISC Zero Steel 如何加速以太坊的 ZK 采用?
Steel 将 RISC Zero 和以太坊连接起来,拥抱 ZK,让开发者得以绕过以太坊的 Gas 费用和限制。 编译:Alex Liu ,F...
As the Perp game-changer, how does SynFutures lead a new round of DeFi innovation?
“相信在不久的将来随着底层公链性能的进一步提升、AA 钱包的普及和基础设施的完善。” 作者:SHA 一、简介 目前...
从基建到应用,详解 LeverFi 的 BTC 生态布局
LeverFi 在比特币生态上的布局特点也十分明显:技术和资产发行两头发力,撬动不同对象的流动性和注意力。 撰文:...
The logic of the Bitcoin bull market has quietly changed, and many people still can’t make money
本轮牛还在不在,关键还得看接下去影响本轮牛市的外因和内因。 撰文:木沐 今年又是加密市场四年一轮回的大周期...
Multicoin Capital: Why did we invest in Arch, a Bitcoin native application platform?
Arch 是一个去中心化执行层,专注于增强比特币的可编程性,网络目前处于测试阶段,预计将在几周内上线主网。 撰文...
Aggregation, settlement and execution are the three pillars. How to measure the value of projects in the track?
随着竞争和技术进步不断降低基础设施成本,应用程序/应用链与模块化组件集成的费用变得更加可行。 撰文:Bridget ...
The airdrop season is coming, and the platform selection is stable: Huobi HTX Liquid Restaking strictly selects high-quality projects in the track and easily obtains high returns
选择在火币HTX一键Restaking,轻松赚取高额收益。 随着链上Merlin 首期空投的发放,参与火币HTX流动性再质押(Liq...