
A brief analysis of the key points of Aave V4: "Unified Liquidity Layer"

预计 Q4 开始进行原型设计,明年 Q2 完成代码。 撰文:Madiha,Backlash 开发者 编译:Azuma,Odaily 星球日报 ...

Stargate Finance: Crossing the blockchain to achieve unlimited liquidity

Stargate Finance 旨在作为区块链和去中心化应用程序(DApps)之间的桥梁。 撰文:茶馆小二儿 1. 项目简介 Star...

Cobo: New economics script after BTC halving

未来比特币真正回报将来自将其作为投资资产,投资于 L2、DeFi、CeFi 等生态项目,持币人将从中获得收益,这将成为比特币生态的重要发展趋势。 ...

In-depth study of Mind Network: When fully homomorphic encryption meets Restaking, the consensus security of encrypted AI projects is within reach

走进 Mind Network,了解这个集AI、Restaking和全同态加密等热点叙事于一身的潜力项目。 撰文:小白导航 coderwor...

Interpreting Bool Network: A truly centralized Bitcoin cross-chain bridge?

Bool Network 也许能为比特币跨链桥带来破局的希望。 作者:Faust & Abyss,极客 Web3 摘要:自从各种跨链桥...

Why will parallelization be the next generation blockchain solution?

计算机的历史告诉我们,随着时间的推移,并行系统往往比顺序系统更有效和可扩展。 撰文:Paul Timofeev、Mike Jin...

The era of "picking up money" is over, and it will become increasingly difficult for retail investors to make money through crypto assets such as Bitcoin

散户在加密市场还有机会吗? 撰文 Terry 最近一年,你有没有遇到过 Rug Pull(撤池子,跑路)项目?有没有因为喊...

Dialogue with Taiko: What is a multi-proof route? How is it related to the finality of Ethereum?

主网上线前陷空投风波,Taiko 是否还值得关注? 撰文:LINDABELL 5 月 23 日,Taiko 公布了首轮空投查询页面,但...

JPMorgan Chase: Solana and other Crypto ETFs are less likely to be approved

‍也有一些评论家对 Solana ETF 获批的机会比较乐观。 来源:cryptoslate 编译:区块链骑士 摩根大通董事总经理...

Bitget Research Institute: Mt.Gox cold wallet transferred nearly $7 billion of BTC, causing the market to pull back intraday

过去 24 小时,市场出现了不少新的热门币种和话题,很可能它们就是下一个造富机会。 摘要 昨日 Mt. Gox 时隔 6 ...
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