Frictionless Capital Co-founder: Why am I still optimistic about Solana from an engineering perspective?
Solana 这样的高吞吐量区块链已经具备支持 100MB/s 的能力,是以太坊的 100 倍。 撰写:Logan | X 编译:小白导...
a16z: How should the Web3 governance reward system be designed?
本文将比较基于声誉和基于代币的参与治理奖励系统,概述每种治理奖励系统的考虑因素。 撰文:Eliza Oak,a16z 编...
Data analysis of four bull-bear cycles: Is "the team doing things" really related to the price of coins?
“团队在做事”真的会让币价在牛市涨得更多?在熊市更抗跌吗? 撰文:LUCIDA & FALCON 当我们持有加密资产时,...
The victory of the grassroots, Web3 is the largest grass-roots team
The world is a huge amateur troupe, and we can all dance on it. Written by: Xiao Ye Recently, whether it is WeChat Moments, Weibo, or Twitter, I can always see the phrase "Really...
Podcast Notes | Conversation with Rainbow Wallet Co-founder: Innovation and Features of Browser Extension Wallet
Rainbow Wallet is the first wallet on the market to use NFT as its main function and focus. Compiled by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Rainbow...
Financing status of the crypto market in Q3 2023: Infrastructure, DeFi and games are still popular
The third quarter hit a new low in total fundraising and deal count since the fourth quarter of 2020. Written by: Chase Devens Translated by: Xiaobai Navigation...
An overview of SocialFi’s ecosystem and investment in 2023
With momentum building in the cryptocurrency space, are we in the early days of SocialFi?
Outlier Ventures: Why are we excited about cross-chain pioneer Wormhole?
The essence of cross-chain reality lies in the promise of choice and flexibility it provides. Written by: Jasper De Maere Translated by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Wormhole ...
A brief analysis of Pyth token distribution and on-chain governance
This article delves into the specific distribution of PYTH tokens to different participants in the Pyth Network and its ecosystem. Introduction This article delves into...
What can we learn from the changes in the U.S. dollar market in the past three years?
货币的每种用途都是独特的,每种用途的受欢迎程度都向市场传递了货币的价值。 撰写:Ben Lilly 编译:小白导航 c...