Opportunities in a falling market? Check out 8 strong tokens you should pay attention to
最近市场大跌,你们有抄底吗? 小白导航 撰文:ROUTE 2 FI 编译:小白导航coderworld 导读: 在这篇文章中,加...
Why Pebble chose Sui Blockchain: A perfect combination of technical strength and gaming experience
Pebble 旨在将其丰富的游戏经验带入 Web3 领域。 撰文:Pebble 编译:小白导航coderworld 导读:Pebble游戏平台...
In-depth analysis of HTX DAO: a new decentralized governance paradigm
HTX DAO的彻底赋能,将真正实现火币HTX交易所的民主化。 去中心化自治组织(DAO)发展至今,为社群集体决策提供了...
Franklin Templeton comments on Web3: optimistic about Ethereum and Solana, Bitcoin ecosystem cannot be ignored
富兰克林邓普顿将关注这些领域:比特币 ETF、加密货币投资团队、许可区块链、代币化现实资产。 撰文:Franklin Te...
From Bitcoin to EigenLayer, exploring the new era of crypto anarchism
EigenLayer 是加密无政府主义世界引入的新信任概念。 撰文:DoganEth 编译:Luccy,BlockBeats 编者按:加密研...
Interview with Chen Yuetian of Fire Phoenix Capital: Why haven’t there been any successful blockchain games yet?
We see that Crypto, as a capital market, is very suitable for promoting the circulation and return of capital. At the same time, we also realize that the game team's unfamiliarity with the capital market requires an education process. ...
Exclusive Interview with Phaver: Gaining 250,000 Users and Launching Chinese Version of APP, How Do Web3 Social Applications Grow?
How to understand Phaver's web2.5, and what can it rely on to stand out in Web3 social... Author: PANews, Zen January 18, Web3 social application...
A brief analysis of BRCport: Connecting the ERC20 network, a full-stack infrastructure for the BRC20 world
本文介绍了BRCport项目的项目信息及募资情况,详细分析了项目核心功能。 作者:币酱BitJump 1.基础信息 BRCport...
NFT 市场收入迅速下滑,游戏巨头 GameStop 宣布退出
GameStop 在去年 11 月取消了对 NFT 钱包的支持。 来源:blackworks 编译:区块链骑士 游戏巨头 GameStop 通过...
The development history of Ethereum, Cancun upgrade and other situations
以太坊合并以后,最重要的事情就是提升性能 TPS,降低 Gas fee,让以太坊接近于一个完美的应用。 撰文:Steven,E...