
Comparison of popular L1 performance: In addition to Solana, which ecosystems still have room for growth?

Is the current outperformance of prices related to improving fundamentals, or is it just a recurring pattern seen in the last market cycle? By THOR HARTVIGSEN...

FutureMoney Group 与 IoTeX 基金会共同推出 500 万美元的 DePIN 加速器计划

本计划旨在培育DePIN、人工智能和解锁现实世界价值领域的创新型Web3初创企业。 作为2024年持续举行的系列活动中的...

Dora Factory 完成新一轮战略融资,宣布新的生态系统合作伙伴

Dora Factory作为可持续、长期、开发者友好的加密协议的代表而区别于其他加密项目。 去中心化治理基础设施和多链...

Thala Protocol: Complete version of LSD, the engine of Aptos ecological recovery

Thala 作为 Aptos 生态上领先的“多面手”,产品越全面能够踩中的叙事也越多。 作者:小白导航coderworld 市场火...

Bitget 研究院:盘点 2024 减半周期,比特币与其他加密货币

减半降低了新币进入流通的速率,旨在防止通货膨胀并增加稀缺性,类似于开采珍贵资源。 在动态的加密货币世界中,“...

FOCG: Starting a decentralized revolution in the gaming world

Compared with traditional games, full-chain games can achieve higher openness, decentralization and durability. Author: dt, DODOResearch Full-chain games have always been the original...

Acquiring CoinDesk and bidding for FTX assets, who is at the helm of Bullish?

他离开纽约证券交易所,前往 SPAC 淘金,然后在市场见顶前转向加密货币。 撰文:Mitchell Martin,福布斯员工 编...

Atomicals ecosystem is generally rising, what new developments are behind it?

创始人的罕见露面及新规频出,让社区对 Atomicals 持有更高期待。 撰文:Sharon 12 月 14 日上午,据 Atomicals ...

Who caused ORDI's "roller coaster" market? It turns out that the chips are in the hands of the exchange

本文将带你揭秘 ORDI 出现「过山车」行情的两大原因,及其后续的市场情况分析。 撰文:Metaer,Meta Era 特邀作者...

HTX 史诗级空投:财富之旅即将开启

这次史诗级空投不仅仅是一次奖励,更是火币HTX对用户长期以来信任与支持的真挚感谢。 近日,火币HTX宣布即将启动...
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