
The dynamic balance of BTC after halving: mining income plummeted, the shutdown price reached $55,000, and the number of large holders of coins increased rapidly

从本质上说,每一次减半都是市场供需的又一次动态平衡。 撰文:Carol,PANews 比特币在 4 月 20 日已经顺利完成...

Overview of the FHE track: When will the end of Web3 privacy data come?

FHE 面向的是整个互联网体系下的任何隐私数据。 撰文:Peng Sun,Foresight News 这个市场充满着二律背反,隐私...

The largest BTC ETF holder changed hands, betting $380 million

当前 BTC ETF 市场出现了正流入,打破了持续近一个月的连续流出。‍ 来源:bitcoinist 编译:区块链骑士 上周,...


简化用户在多条区块链上交互的技术,链抽象是否将成为加密货币流动性碎片化的最终解决方案? 撰文:IOSG Ventures...

The 2.0 Moment of Blockchain Interoperability: Chain Explosion and Chain Abstraction

对比三大链抽象解决方案的代表项目:NEAR、Particle 和 Polygon。 撰文:ZHIXIONG PAN 虽然这样说可能有些夸张...

Greythorn Monthly Market Research Report: Cryptocurrency market fluctuated significantly in April, and the market's interest in altcoins was low

随着4月的结束,目前BTC处于价格区间的低端,显示出显著的市场弱势,并可能带来更多有趣的发展。 撰文:Greythorn...

Hayes Fund: The Oracle Wars, Why Flare is Undervalued?

「预言机之战」开启,密切关注 Flare。 小白导航 撰文:Maelstrom(Arthur Hayes 的家族办公室) 编译:Felix,PA...

HTX Ventures announces investment in ChainML to support decentralized AI agent protocol development

HTX Ventures是火币HTX的全球投资部门,整合投资、孵化和研究以识别全球最优秀和最有前景的团队。 小白导航 近日...

Modular blockchain: The final piece of the Web3 puzzle

模块化区块链的趋势不仅仅是技术上的变革,更是推动整个区块链生态系统迎接未来挑战的重要策略。 撰文:GeekCarte...

Bitget Research Institute: GAS on ETH chain drops to 2gwei, EIGEN airdrop application has been opened

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...
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