详解 OP Stack Rollup 流程及对应代码
OP Stack 是标准化、共享和开源的开发堆栈,为 Optimism 提供支持,由 Optimism Collective 维护。 撰文:Rayer ...
Podcast Notes | Researchers debate Anatoly: Ethereum vs. Solana, who will have the last laugh
Justin believes that Ethereum has huge advantages in network effects, meme power, and brand reputation, which makes Ethereum more likely to be the ultimate winner.
VanEck 2030 Ethereum Outlook and Configuration Report: Bull Market Up to $154,000
The benchmark predicts that ETH will rise to $22,000 in 2030, and is expected to reach $154,000 in an optimistic bull market, and may fall to as low as $360 in a bear market.
NVIDIA's market value surpasses Apple for the first time. Here's a look at the five AI projects and progress NVIDIA recently announced
Under the influence of Nvidia's stock price, AI narrative is expected to continue to be hot. Written by: Alx Wacy, crypto researcher Translated by: Felix, PANews Many years ago, the United States...
Fidelity: Investors should consider adding a small amount of Bitcoin to their long-term portfolios
富达认为,无论投资者对数字资产的具体看法如何,适度配置 BTC 都会使他们受益。 来源:cryptoslate 编译:区块...
Report to the police if you lose money from cryptocurrency trading. A 2000 college student was sentenced to 4 years in prison for fraud for issuing cryptocurrency?
When handling such cases, the courts often do not have a clear and unified ruling rule. Written by: Mankiw Blockchain Legal Services Case Review June 6,...
MEV 税是什么?谁交税?
MEV 税重新分配 MEV,将原本全部归于搜索者的 MEV 利润返还给应用程序。 撰文:0XNATALIE Paradigm 研究员 Dan R...
A cake candle diagram to quickly understand the key elements of chain abstraction
本文介绍了链抽象关键要素 (CAKE) 框架。 作者:Favorite Mirror Reads Archive 编译:小白导航coderworld 要点...
Freeing the “Prisoners of Babylon”, how did Lorenzo rebuild the Medici financial empire?
Lorenzo 是首个基于 Babylon 的比特币流动性金融层,也是针对比特币流动性质押代币的发行交易与结算平台。 撰文:...
RWA empowers the chain, Lingo is reshaping the Web3 community reward model
通过Web3+RWA,Lingo小白导航希望解决项目社区激励问题,改变传统忠诚度计划的运作方式。 撰文:小白导航 coderwo...