Dialogue with 0xWizard: This man led the community to save ACT
大的结果背后往往是伟大的痛苦。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 当 Binance 突然宣布上线 ACT,在人们的惊叹声中...
Bitcoin breaks through $90,000, how far can the "Trump effect" go?
比特币要上天? 撰文:陀螺财经 从 7 万美元到 9 万美元,比特币只用了一个周。就在今日凌晨,比特币再创新高...
BTC continues to hit new highs. Can mainland users also purchase cryptocurrencies legally?
重大突破,支持大陆用户购买稳定币的应用来了。 撰文:Biteye 核心贡献者 Viee 编辑:Biteye 核心贡献者 Crush ...
LTC has surged since it was positioned as a Meme coin. What can ordinary people do during the Meme super cycle?
稳住心态,研究社区,做钻石手,别因焦虑动作变形。 撰文:Asher,Odaily 星球日报 随着近日 ACT、PNUT 现货上线...
After BTC breaks through $90,000, how should we plan for the final leg of the bull market?
退出的时间窗口可能仅持续几个月,要好好把握。 作者:Duo Nine⚡YCC 编译:小白导航coderworld 等待的时刻终于...
「价值币」与「MEME 币」,谁才是新牛市的未来?
历史会重演,但不会简单重复。 撰文:冰蛙 前言: 随着特朗普以历史性地胜利横扫美国政坛,风向在一夜之间逆转...
Memecoin, the craziest money-making machine or the dumbest bubble?
大批年轻人正在将金融虚无主义转化为一个蓬勃发展的千亿美元市场。 撰文:Nina Bambysheva、Steven Ehrlich,福布...
Polymarket founder is under investigation by the FBI, and the US "donkey-elephant dispute" has spread to cryptocurrencies
随着特朗普政府的上台,加密领域的曙光似乎正在逐渐显现。 撰文:Pzai,Foresight News 据纽约邮报报道,昨日 Po...
Bull Market Tips: How to Maximize Gains Without Losing Your Mind
理性管理、设定明确目标、分散投资、保持情绪纪律和长期视角。 撰文:Crypto by Shameer 翻译:白话区块链 牛市...
HTX Growth Academy | November Crypto Market Macro Research Report: CPI data is in line with expectations, Bitcoin breaks through $93,000, and an epic bull market cycle begins
加密市场正处于加速发展的历史阶段,未来的前景无疑广阔而充满挑战。 一、引言:加密市场背景与大势判断 2024年1...