From obscurity to DeFi rising star: Pendle’s road to success
Pendle 已经积攒了相当高的 TVL,远高于之前的同类协议,可以讲已经脱离了生死线,希望 Pendle 最终可以验证 PMF ...
Outlook on potential tracks: decentralized computing power market (Part 2)
文将从零知识证明的基础概念开始,由浅入深,对去中心化算力市场这条朝阳赛道的更多可能性进行多维度思考。 作者:...
Podcast Notes | Conversation with DeFiance founder: How to find 100x cryptocurrency in a bull market?
Arthur 认为非所有解锁事件都是平等的。 编译:小白导航 coderworld 在本期《Crypto Market Wizards》中,Taiki ...
From BBO to T2T2, one article explains in detail the wealth effect of Bitget Launchpad
在老牌 CEX 之中,Bitget 可以算是名副其实的后起之秀了,那么到底是什么让 Bitget 成为了加密交易所中的一匹黑马呢? ...
Turkey Devconnect Insights: Ethereum’s narrative is old and chaos is the encryption ladder
This industry rises on the border of order and chaos, and moves from anxiety to transparency. Written by: @0x_claudia, PKU Blockchain Vice President * This...
Behind Solana’s Ecosystem Market Value Expansion: Be Wary of TVL-only Investment Orientation
In a typical Uniswap 50/50 liquidity pool, only 50% of hard assets are needed to double the TVL of the DEX. Written by: Defilgnas Compiled by: Xiaobai...
DeFi historical research: DeFi development history before Uniswap
Let's do some archaeology and see what difficult journey DeFi has gone through, and what products and celebrities have made remarkable innovations. Author: 0xKooKo...
Current status of the application layer in the encryption industry: desolate on-chain space and crowded infrastructure
All this scalability will be meaningless if the user demand for the application does not increase by several orders of magnitude. Written by: polynya Compiled by: Xiaobai Dao...
Binance verdict, what does it mean for cryptocurrencies?
Overall, Binance may no longer have the agility it once had in chasing new opportunities. Written by: Jack Inabinet, Bankless Compiled by: Xiaobai Navigation cod...
MT Capital Research Report: Full Scan of Inscription Track
BRC20 is the most original and first protocol to be listed on the exchange, with the strongest community consensus and fair launch, which has left a very good impression on users. Author: Xinwei TL...