在测算流入资金规模时,为小白导航何各机构对南向资金如此看重? 出品|OKG Research 作者|Hedy Bi 比特币现...
观点:在加密世界里寻找“从 0 到 1”的创新,才能真正改变自己的生活
点击按钮,尝试新事物,并接受新的想法。 撰文:Ignas 编译:小白导航coderworld “从0到1”创新的介绍 如果投资...
After working for VC and project parties, she chose to be a "full-time retail investor". The cryptocurrency trading philosophy of Fiona, a powerful Alpha hunter
Every position and every identity actually limits your way of thinking. It is both a gift and a shackle. Written by Jack, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of BlockBeats...
Placeholder: DeFi is booming, but the next step for Web3 is non-financial applications
加密货币的尾部非常长且不断增长,这表明了人们对区块链作为数字资产账本的需求有多大。 撰文:Mario Laul 编译...
Interpreting the Rune Protocol: It will be launched on the 19th when the halving occurs, betting on its possibility of replacing BRC-20
除非BRC-20有所发展,否则符文可能会成为比特币上的主要代币标准。 撰文:Marlon 编译:小白导航coderworld 随...
香港,会成为全球第二大比特币现货 ETF 市场吗?
知情人士透露:南向资金外,100 亿美元的新资金将流入香港比特币现货 ETF 市场。 撰文:周舟,Foresight News 香...
市场走低不要忘记关注 Alpha:盘点 9 个值得注意的 AI 和基建项目
基础设施和人工智能将成为未来几个月的焦点。 撰文:NAIROLF 编译:小白导航coderworld 2024年是基础设施和人...
OKX launches X Layer public mainnet, bringing 50 million users on-chain
X Layer aims to leverage advanced technologies to enable millions of users to interact with on-chain applications more cheaply and quickly. On April 16, the world's leading crypto asset...
Is Jupiter an amplifier for investing in Solana?
背靠 Jupiter 捕获的强大流量和用户群体,Jupiter 建立 Launchpad,将更多捕获 Solana 生态新项目的价值。 撰文:...
Archaeological DePIN, looking for the "legitimacy" of the track
当 DePIN 把现实世界中业务的「正统性」带入加密世界了,DePIN 项目就能和公链比肩了。 撰文:Wyz Research 加密...