Tornado Cash 案判决对 DeFi 监管意味着什么?
Tornado Cash 创始人之一 Alexey Pertsev 被判 64 个月监禁。 撰文:律动 荷兰法官在斯海尔托亨博斯法院裁定,To...
Ethena 2024 Roadmap: How We Will Grab the Holy Grail of Cryptocurrency
本文旨在概述 Ethena 在未来几个月的路线图和统一愿景。 撰文:Ethena 编译:GaryMa,吴说区块链 摘要 本文旨...
比特币 Layer2 爆发前夜,我们可以从以太坊 L2 上学到什么?
从追捧到证伪,比特币 Layer2 路在何方? 撰文:Web3CN 随着 2023 年 Ordinal 协议的诞生,比特币作为昔日的「数...
A look at the Play-to-Earn Web3 gaming trends in 2024
Web3技术的兴起正在推动游戏行业向赚取收益和创造真实价值的方向转变。 撰文:Ali Asef 编译:白话区块链 随着 ...
Macro Thinking: It’s Not All Doom and Gloom
本文探讨了滞胀对加密货币等成长型资产的影响。 撰文:JieXuan Chua,Binance Research 编译:Kate, 火星财经 ...
How does UXLINK break through the social ceiling of Web3 by “holding both ends in one place”?
UXLINK采用了“执两用中”的叙事脉络和产品构思,具备更强的可延展性和无限天花板。 作者:Yinghao 前言 SevenX...
A "war of words" broke out with Ripple, and Tether increased its lobbying spending under the trend of strong regulation
USDT的发行方Tether会面临监管带来的黑天鹅事件吗? 小白导航 撰文:Weilin 近两日,Tether 的首席执行官保罗阿...
Understanding the Crypto Metagame: The Core Drivers of Market Narrative and Behavior Change
每个元游戏都是不同的,它们之间有相似之处,但没有完全相同的。 撰文:MIDAS CAPITAL 编译:小白导航coderworld...
Bringing Back the ICO: Distributed Token Launch (DTL)
DTL的核心焦点是将代币及其技术交到真实用户手中,而不仅仅是投机者。 撰文:Anagram 编译:小白导航coderworld ...
In-depth insights into Web3 gaming industry trends: Will Web3 gaming have its “iPhone moment” in 2024?
Web3 games are an important part of the Web3 industry and an important catalyst for popularizing Web3. Written by: Jianshu Games have always been regarded as a key to unlocking the Web3 industry...