Security company turns into a “hacker”, reconstructing the cause of the Kraken vs. CertiK incident
当自诩为白帽的安全公司变成“黑客”,Web3 这个野蛮世界里的黑白,似乎不再那么泾渭分明。 撰文:小白导航 coderwo...
Trump-themed meme coin DJT has a dramatic plot: the issuer "explodes" and has a history of fraud, and the token has fallen by more than 60% in a day
近日,Meme 币 DJT 因「最纯特朗普概念币」的传言爆火,但随后上演一波三折剧情,最终这位神秘操盘手 Martin Shkreli 也在悬赏活动中不得已自曝身份。 ...
10X Research: Altcoin bear market, tough times for traders
做个 Trader,而不是 Gambler。 撰文:10X Research 编译:Wenser,Odaily 星球日报 编者按:作为此前持续看多 ...
Runes sees a "small bull run" amid crypto market volatility, and the Meme "zoo" market draws attention
比特币生态的符文(Runes)却在这波跌势中仍然表现活跃,形成了以动物主题为主导的 meme「小牛市」行情。 撰文:W...
The price of spot ETF surged by 70% in 2 months after listing. Will the spot ETF effect be repeated in Ethereum?
多个现货以太坊 ETF 已在 DTCC 网站列出,比特币现货 ETF 的剧本有望重演。 撰文:RockFlow 划重点 ① 从 40000 ...
Small investment, huge financing, social protocol Farcaster interaction strategy
四大天王结束了,但是还有新的三驾马车——Monad、Bearchain 和 Farcaster。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 随着 La...
Bitwise Chief Investment Officer: Three reasons why investors should allocate ETH
同时持有 BTC 和 ETH 比仅持有 BTC 拥有更高的绝对回报和风险调整回报。 撰文:Matt Hougan,Bitwise 首席投资官 ...
Opinion: Vitalik is wrong, the crypto space really needs a "stupid" Memecoin
名人拥抱 Memecoin 可能为加密提供了正确的推动力,从长远来看可以改善基础设施。 撰文:David Canellis, Blockwo...
MiCA Part 1 is now in effect: a new starting point for crypto assets in the EU
今年夏天,欧盟 MiCA 法规的第一部分将正式生效。 撰文:Romain Swertvaeger、Clment Robert 编译:TaxDAO 今年...
Dialogue with OpenSea Vice President: The company is not seeking to sell and is focusing on three major areas of development
「我们目前关注的三个领域是游戏、Web3 原生领域,以及在广义上称为消费者忠诚度的领域。」 受访者:Kelly Digreg...