
Insight Data Issue 05 | OKX Web3 & 0xScope: A guide to on-chain data analysis: how can novices take the first step?

本期内容由 OKX Web3 团队与 0xScope 团队共同围绕“如何建立链上数据分析方法论”等话题展开。 摘要:在加密货币市...

Meme is the happiest Ponzi scheme, and no one wants a happy ending

虽然币种可能会改变,但暴富的诱惑永远不会消失。 作者:Crypto, Distilled 编译:小白导航coderworld Meme 是...

Arthur Hayes: What would the best encryption bill look like, and how to use the US election to pass it?

有没有办法将大约 5000 万持有加密货币的美国成年人变成一个单一投票集团,确保在选举前颁布一项积极的加密货币立法? ...

Airdrop trends in 2024: User disappointment and deterioration of protocol fundamentals

作为协议方,要确保能够留住用户,打造一个长期成功的产品。 作者:Stacy Muur 编译:小白导航coderworld 来自 ...

"Organic growth point" or "top PUA", what are the advantages and disadvantages of the points incentive model?

本文从多维度视角出发,探讨积分模式的优劣势,并试图找出相对应的解决方案。 撰文:Pzai,Foresight News 在加...

MEV is increasingly prominent on Bitcoin: MEV is spreading to Bitcoin in a more obscure way

通过「狙击」Ordinal 铭文、挖空区块和矿工卡特尔化等形式,比特币上的 MEV 日益凸显。 撰文:George Kaloudis,C...

It is easy to sell all in but difficult to sell. How to become a master at selling?

通过多种渠道,增加你的“运气面积”。 作者:Crypto, Distilled 编译:小白导航coderworld 如何在高点卖出(不靠...

Multicoin Partner: You can’t actually own data, you can only own assets

数据总是可以无限复制的,而资产却是稀缺的。 作者:Integrated Kyle e/acc 编译:小白导航coderworld 我曾经相...

图文攻略|一文看懂 OKX 屯币雪球

“每一种结构化产品,都有其适合的市场行情,如何选择就显得至关重要。” 波动是市场的固有属性,为交易者带来带来...

Macro Research: The selling pressure trend gradually subsides, and Bitcoin is expected to strengthen its upward momentum

过去一周,市场成功消化了巨鲸出货并触及压力位。疲软的美国经济数据抬升了降息预期,美联储主席鲍威尔释放鸽派信号。 ...
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