The "horn" of interest rate cut in September has been blown? BTC fell instead of rising
But with the U.S. national debt recently surpassing $35 trillion and showing no signs of slowing down, both Bitcoin and gold are likely to behave differently than in previous bull cycles. Written by...
Interpretation of Russia's new bill: From September onwards, cryptocurrencies will be allowed to be used for cross-border transactions and exchange transactions
本文将结合历史背景,详细分析俄罗斯加密货币政策的演变过程,并探讨未来的发展方向。 撰文:Aiying 艾盈 2024...
Dialogue with CoreDAO core builders: Bitcoin's super cycle, what does it mean for your portfolio?
未来十年,比特币将继续作为价值储存的工具,且其采用率将增加。 整理 & 编译:小白导航coderworld 嘉宾:...
BlackRock: No other cryptocurrency ETFs in the foreseeable future
贝莱德表示,未来只有比特币和以太坊符合 ETF 交易标准,尽管 Solana 被看好,但由于缺乏 CME 期货,其 ETF 申请面临障碍。 ...
Barbarians outside the election gate: Crypto whales quietly eroding the US political arena
Fairshake 支持致力于确保美国成为下一代互联网创新者家园的候选人。 如果更广泛的开放区块链经济要在美国充分发挥其潜力,那么为区块链创新者提供在更清晰的...
Trump takes another step to attract crypto users: Bitcoin-themed sneakers sold out, scalpers resell at 5 times the price
最受欢迎的高帮比特币橙色主题运动鞋原价 499 美元,在 3 小时内售罄。 撰文:Weilin,PANews 北京时间 7 月 3...
Arthur Hayes: Why did I develop the Ordinals project Airheads?
我想创作真实的数字艺术,我将其定义为展示一种表达人类创造力的新方式。 撰文:Arthur Hayes,BitMEX 创始人 编...
Forbes reveals Polymarket: 26-year-old founder and $1 billion prediction market
尽管合法性存疑,但仍有数亿美元在 Polymarket 上押注。 撰文:Nina Bambysheva,福布斯 编译:Luffy,Foresight...
After the meme craze, will Solana be the fragile house of cards?
从基本面来看 SOL 被高估了。 作者:Flip Research 编译:小白导航coderworld 最近我的社交媒体时间线充满了关...
Interpreting Blackbird: Eat to Earn model enters the catering industry. How can crypto applications make profits in real business?
餐厅体验的质量,因此其盈利能力,取决于其商业模式。 作者:Not Boring by Packy McCormick 编译:小白导航code...