Is the Telegram founder’s cryptocurrency girlfriend the reason for his arrest?
你只知道他被捕,但你不知道,他并不是一个人。 作者:Jai Hamid 编译:小白导航coderworld 要点总结: T...
Sharding Weekly: DriftProtocol launches BET, the first efficient prediction market on Solana
欢迎阅读第 45期《Sharding Weekly》,该版重点介绍了新闻、叙事和一级市场融资! 作者:chung Shard Labs 是一...
Behind Tether's $1.5 billion investment, the "middlemen" made a fortune
Christian Angermayer 帮助 Tether 投资他自己持股的公司,并从交易中收取丰厚的佣金。 撰文:Ben Foldy、Caitlin...
Crypto Evolution Episode 02 | OKX Ventures & Multicoin Capital & 1kx: Where is DeFi heading to?
Cycles and narratives have always been the core topic of the global crypto market. In the past, the industry used Bitcoin halving as a reference to perceive cycles and explore the direction of big narratives. However, after the approval of Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs, the crypto market and the global...
Layer3 CEO Darya: We created a super channel "Web3 Google" that users want to access
Layer3 generates nearly $10 million in revenue and serves hundreds of thousands of users per month. Original article: Block Media Layer 3 (L3) aims to make Web3...
Crypto Morning News: Telegram founder arrested, agency believes first rate cut in September is likely to be 25 basis points
OP、SUI、DYDX等本周将迎来大额解锁,SUI将解锁约6509万美元。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 门头沟 Mt.Gox 钱包地...
A 10,000-word review of Telegram’s history: rebellious geeks, cryptocurrency, and a fanatical dream of freedom
Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested this morning and faces charges of terrorism, fraud, money laundering, etc. Musk and many others support Telegram founder. Written by...
Telegram founder Pavel Durov's self-imposed exile ends
Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested immediately after his private plane landed in France and was charged with terrorism, fraud, money laundering and other crimes. Written by: Juliana Cr...
Good things come with a long wait, but moving forward in a downturn: Infrastructure and innovative applications jointly promote the development of encryption
A lot of the fear, uncertainty, and skepticism about cryptocurrencies isn’t all that justified — it’s important to see how far we’ve actually come.
Babylon War 酣战,Bedrock 拔得头筹:uniBTC 引领 BTC LRT 爆发?
随着 Babylon 主网上线进一步释放 BTC LRT 潜力,Bedrock 或将在 LRT 的第二增长曲线中扮演重要角色。 昨晚,一场...