
Crypto Morning News: Grass launches airdrop inspection page, Tiger Brokers launches AVAX, LINK and other cryptocurrency transactions

比特币减半后表现不佳,四年周期论或已终结。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 昨日市场动态 昨日 10 家比特币 ETF ...

HTX Ventures announces investment in Vanilla Finance to build Telegram DeFi ecosystem

加密货币交易所火币HTX 的全球投资部门 HTX Ventures 宣布对 Vanilla Finance 进行战略投资。 小白导航 为推动区...

Analysis of crypto asset custody requirements and compliance in the United States, Hong Kong, and Singapore from the SEC's allegations against asset management company Galois Capital

SEC 认为,Galois Capital 在管理客户资产时,未能遵守《1940 年投资顾问法》中的托管规则,特别是在加密资产的管理上存在严重疏漏。 ...

Bitget Research Institute: The market is full of negative sentiment, and the accelerated decline paves the way for the main uptrend

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...

The choice between the ideal of the permissionless era and the compliance moat

规则和监管将决定谁能长久立足,而无许可的理想,或许会面临更严峻的考验。 撰文:alexzuo,Cobo VP 最近,越来...

Intent-centric projects: emerging trends in Web3

本文将总结以意图为中心的相关项目的发展现状。 撰文:Nicky,Foresight News 去年 6 月,Paradigm 的「Intent-B...

1kx: Ethereum, a surreal online world

如今的以太坊就像是一场内容枯竭的游戏。 撰文:Peter 'pet3rpan' 编译:Luffy,Foresight News 每个人都在抱怨...

Binance Research:区块链支付,一个新的开始

尽管支付行业是全球规模最大、增长最快的行业之一,但它仍然主要依靠过时的、已有 50 年历史的银行基础设施运行。 ...

Web3 Game Investment Observation from 2020 to 2024: A short-lived past and a reborn future

比特币的价格波动如何影响加密游戏领域的投资活动? 作者:Vladimir Sergeevih 编译:小白导航coderworld 2020 ...

In-depth analysis of Tomo Wallet: Advantages and getting started guide

为什么Tomo Wallet是加密用户的最佳Web3钱包? 加密用户在与去中心化应用程序(dApps)的交互过程中经常感受到...
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