
Bitget Wallet's monthly active users exceeded 12 million, and it ranked first in global wallet downloads in August

Bitget Wallet App 下载量达到 200 万,在全球 Web3 钱包中排名第一。 全球领先的 Web3 钱包 Bitget Wallet 在...


机构普遍预测 9 月将降息 25 个基点,该情况下倾向中期看涨。一旦降息 50 个基点,全员看衰经济。 撰文:南枳,Od...

Is the crypto bull market over? So far, BTC has never disappointed everyone who persisted

伴随美股走弱,比特币跟跌不跟涨的态势继续展现,这使得市场中悲观情绪越发明显,甚至认为牛市已经结束了。 撰文...

Bounty hunters in the crypto circle, how to ensure legal compliance for Web3 task bounty platforms?

Web3 任务赏金平台作为区块链技术革新的前沿阵地,为全球用户和项目方搭建了全新的互动桥梁,同时也面临着一系列法律和合规的挑战。 ...

Tether, a parallel economic system beyond the reach of US law enforcement

USDT 可以说是十多年前开始的加密货币革命中第一个成功的现实世界产品。 撰文:Angus Berwick、Ben Foldy,华尔街...

Has accepting bribes with cryptocurrency become a new tool for official crimes?

受贿 6000 枚比特币的官员,还好犯罪比较早。 撰文:肖飒团队 飒姐团队律师在办理涉币案件过程中发现,当前一个...

Bitget Research Institute: BTC ETF has continued to see net inflows for 2 days. The market will rebound in the short term, but we still need to be wary of a second drop

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...

Web3's Asian "locality": With its own unique technological environment, the sun of innovation will rise from here

不要忽视亚洲,“因为当她醒来时,她将震撼世界。” 作者:Allen Ng 编译:小白导航coderworld 为亚洲在 Web3 ...

2024 年稳定币的「稳定」与「不稳定」

法币支持的稳定币市值在 2024 年飙升至 1612 亿美元,但仍低于 2021 年 1817 亿美元的峰值。 撰文:CoinGecko 翻...

Morph will launch a centralized exchange alliance to provide multi-faceted support for high-quality projects and developers

该联盟将由顶级 CEX 组成,涵盖 Bitget、HTX、MEXC 和 Poloniex 等。 全球消费级公链 Morph 计划推出中心化交易...
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