
Analyzing DLMM: How to lead liquidity providers to earn more fees?

在 Meteora,我们绝对喜欢流动性提供者 (LP)! 作者:Meteora 编译:DeFi AdamZ 讲了不少Solana的硬核底层,最...

Why do ERC-5169 and TokenScript need Smart Layer?

以代币为中心的架构如何带来 Web3 结构演变? 撰文:LINDABELL 和 ZHIXIONG PAN 当 AlphaWallet 团队于 2019 年...

DWF Labs Research: Deep dive into the economic model of on-chain derivatives exchanges

代币经济学是加密协议的核心部分,确定成功的代币经济学没有明确的公式。 撰文:DWF Labs Research 编译:小白导...

With the rise of the Cosmos ecological wealth effect, what are the other airdrop opportunities?

Cosmos 生态代币现有质押平台主要分三类:钱包质押、生态流动性平台质押、协议官网质押。 撰文:1912212.eth,For...

What do the leading institutions think of the bull market outlook for 2024?

2023 年整个加密行业走过了熊市的低谷和绝望,开始掀起小牛市行情。 撰文:火火 2024 年是加密市场充满希望的一...

Don’t use too many people grabbing airdrops as an excuse for laziness

我敢打赌,90%阅读这篇文章的人会大致同意我的观点。 撰文:HUMBLE FARMER ARMY RESEARCH 编译:小白导航coderwo...

After the Jupiter currency was issued: 60% of addresses only received 200JUP, and the airdrop effect contributed to a new high in activity on the chain.

JUP 空投当天Solana活跃地址创一年新高,至少 50% 的活跃钱包在网络上认领 JUP。 撰文:Tom Wan 编译:小白导航c...

Exploring the future of Web3 Music: NFT, AI, decentralized co-composition of music

从 NFT 的收藏价值到 AI 音乐的创新潜力,Web3 为音乐产业注入了新的活力。 撰文:@EdisonHuu 指导老师:@Crypto...

Bitcoin ecology has collectively corrected, why is only BRC-420 rising against the trend?

起初在 9 月,BRC-420 市值最大的资产蓝盒子的 mint 成本低到 1 刀左右,然而截止撰稿时,地板价达到了近 2.5 万刀的价格。 ...

The darkest moment or the beginning of a turning point? Soaring data as NEAR slashes layoffs

战略转向开始:NEAR裁员是降本增效,还是入不敷出? 在2023年的最后一个季度,NEAR协议不仅在技术创新和市场表现...
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