
MerlinStarter is launched to consolidate Merlin Chain’s position as the first BTC ecosystem

MerlinStarter activates not only the MerlinChain ecosystem, but the entire Bitcoin ecosystem and assets. Author: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Bitcoin...


火币Liquid Restaking活动升级后,除了追加5000万美元的份额,还增加了一个很有趣的战队玩法。 3月25日,火币HTX...

衍生品老兵「狂飙」,SynFutures 能否点燃链上衍生品的「Blast Summer」?

月内交易量飙涨超 90 倍,SynFutures 作为「Blast Summer」的种子选手,浮出水面。 上线不足一个月,交易量飙涨超...

贝莱德入局,Neopin 推出的 RWA 产品如何乘风而起?

Neopin计划于3月28日推出RWA产品NEOPIN BDLP。 比特币现货ETF通过后,传统金融机构进入加密市场的壁垒进一步降低...

分析 200 个聪明钱地址后,他们正在 Base 上积累哪些低市值 Meme ?

集中精力,全力以赴并抓住机会。 撰文:Linton Worm 编译:小白导航coderworld 上一个牛市周期,鲸鱼通过 $MATI...

Justin Sun has made Liquid Restaking popular, a new opportunity for wealth?

Liquid Restaking作为一种新兴的质押机制,为加密货币市场带来了许多新的财富机会。 2024年初,随着加密货币市场...

The trilemma of airdropping: To acquire customers and retain them at the same time, what is the correct airdrop approach for a project?

停止进行一次性的空投! 撰文:KERMAN KOHLI 编译:小白导航coderworld 最近,Starkware发起了备受期待的空投...

Financing Weekly Report: 48 financings raised approximately US$260 million, with exchanges and GameFi being the most popular

From March 18 to March 24, 13 blockchain projects raised more than $5 million. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld According to RootData data, 3...

Introducing Neura: Ankr’s new chain of artificial intelligence and cloud computing

Neura旨在促进人工智能、云计算和区块链技术的融合。 撰文:HERCULES 编译:小白导航coderworld DePIN 巨头 Ank...

Analysis of Nervos Network, UTXO isomorphic BTC L2

本文主要介绍 UTXO 同构的 BTC L2 Nervos Network 的产品特点、生态发展和代币经济模型。 撰文:duoduo、Alfred ...
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