
Bitget Research Institute: Hong Kong Bitcoin ETF approved, short-term Middle East situation profoundly affects the market trend

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...

How to turn old phones and computers into treasures? 9 Web3 projects can help you easily play

9 个 Web3 项目,让你的闲置设备焕发「第二春」。 撰文:Karen,Foresight News 随着手机和电脑迭代速度的日益加...

Breaking through the crypto ETF may be Hong Kong’s way out

以太坊能上 ETF,其他代币呢? 撰文:inpower 王骏 说实话香港的比特币现货 ETF 获批我一点都不奇怪,但是这次...

Mango Network: Building a bridge for Bitcoin Layer 2 ecology - a better BTC native L2 bridge solution

Mango Network的Layer 1解决方案得到了Move语言的有力支持,为开发者和用户提供了一个安全、模块化且高性能的Web3基础设施。 ...

Financing Weekly Report: 42 financings raised approximately US$520 million, with Monad Labs and Berachain accounting for half of the total

From April 8 to April 14, 9 blockchain companies raised more than $5 million. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld According to RootData data, in April...

观点:在加密世界里寻找“从 0 到 1”的创新,才能真正改变自己的生活

点击按钮,尝试新事物,并接受新的想法。 撰文:Ignas 编译:小白导航coderworld “从0到1”创新的介绍 如果投资...

After working for VC and project parties, she chose to be a "full-time retail investor". The cryptocurrency trading philosophy of Fiona, a powerful Alpha hunter

Every position and every identity actually limits your way of thinking. It is both a gift and a shackle. Written by Jack, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of BlockBeats...

With the support of Binance and OKX, what are the highlights of the full-chain AI game Cellula?

Cellula再现了一款精妙的康威生命游戏。 撰文:1912212.eth,Foresight News 加密牛市已至,Web3 游戏概念再次成...

Placeholder: DeFi is booming, but the next step for Web3 is non-financial applications

加密货币的尾部非常长且不断增长,这表明了人们对区块链作为数字资产账本的需求有多大。 撰文:Mario Laul 编译...

炒作结束后,KOL 的角色是背锅侠

行情遇冷,「KOL 抛售」成数个 AI 新项目的跑路理由。 撰文:Joyce 近期 AI 板块遇冷,大多数代币遭遇大幅回调,...
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